blob: 9b8de8281490c2ff8d78b379249fe8114789cbcb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
* Distributed under the Thrift Software License
* See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
* @package thrift.transport
* Php stream transport. Reads to and writes from the php standard streams
* php://input and php://output
* @package thrift.transport
class TPhpStream extends TTransport {
const MODE_R = 1;
const MODE_W = 2;
private $inStream_ = null;
private $outStream_ = null;
private $read_ = false;
private $write_ = false;
public function __construct($mode) {
$this->read_ = $mode & self::MODE_R;
$this->write_ = $mode & self::MODE_W;
public function open() {
if ($this->read_) {
$this->inStream_ = @fopen(self::inStreamName(), 'r');
if (!is_resource($this->inStream_)) {
throw new TException('TPhpStream: Could not open php://input');
if ($this->write_) {
$this->outStream_ = @fopen('php://output', 'w');
if (!is_resource($this->outStream_)) {
throw new TException('TPhpStream: Could not open php://output');
public function close() {
if ($this->read_) {
$this->inStream_ = null;
if ($this->write_) {
$this->outStream_ = null;
public function isOpen() {
(!$this->read_ || is_resource($this->inStream_)) &&
(!$this->write_ || is_resource($this->outStream_));
public function read($len) {
$data = @fread($this->inStream_, $len);
if ($data === FALSE || $data === '') {
throw new TException('TPhpStream: Could not read '.$len.' bytes');
return $data;
public function write($buf) {
while (strlen($buf) > 0) {
$got = @fwrite($this->outStream_, $buf);
if ($got === 0 || $got === FALSE) {
throw new TException('TPhpStream: Could not write '.strlen($buf).' bytes');
$buf = substr($buf, $got);
public function flush() {
private static function inStreamName() {
if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') {
return 'php://stdin';
return 'php://input';