blob: 1139506cd43f768faa7e09d39929a7459f795f49 [file] [log] [blame]
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-- KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-- specific language governing permissions and limitations
-- under the License.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Network
import Thrift
import Thrift.Protocol.Binary
import Thrift.Server
import Thrift.Transport.Handle
import qualified ThriftTestUtils
import qualified ThriftTest
import qualified ThriftTest_Client as Client
import qualified ThriftTest_Iface as Iface
import qualified ThriftTest_Types as Types
data TestHandler = TestHandler
instance Iface.ThriftTest_Iface TestHandler where
testVoid _ = return ()
testString _ s = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show s
return s
testByte _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testI32 _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testI64 _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testDouble _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testStruct _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testNest _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testMap _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testStringMap _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testSet _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testList _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testEnum _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testTypedef _ x = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show x
return x
testMapMap _ _ = do
return (Map.fromList [(1, Map.fromList [(2, 2)])])
testInsanity _ x = do
return (Map.fromList [(1, Map.fromList [(Types.ONE, x)])])
testMulti _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = do
return (Types.Xtruct "" 0 0 0)
testException _ _ = do
Control.Exception.throw (Types.Xception 1 "bya")
testMultiException _ _ _ = do
Control.Exception.throw (Types.Xception 1 "xyz")
testOneway _ i = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ show i
client :: (String, Network.PortID) -> IO ()
client addr = do
to <- hOpen addr
let ps = (BinaryProtocol to, BinaryProtocol to)
v1 <- Client.testString ps "bya"
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v1
v2 <- Client.testByte ps 8
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v2
v3 <- Client.testByte ps (-8)
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v3
v4 <- Client.testI32 ps 32
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v4
v5 <- Client.testI32 ps (-32)
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v5
v6 <- Client.testI64 ps 64
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v6
v7 <- Client.testI64 ps (-64)
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v7
v8 <- Client.testDouble ps 3.14
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v8
v9 <- Client.testDouble ps (-3.14)
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v9
v10 <- Client.testMap ps (Map.fromList [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)])
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v10
v11 <- Client.testStringMap ps (Map.fromList [("a","123"),("a b","with spaces "),("same","same"),("0","numeric key")])
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v11
v12 <- Client.testList ps (Vector.fromList [1,2,3,4,5])
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v12
v13 <- Client.testSet ps (Set.fromList [1,2,3,4,5])
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v13
v14 <- Client.testStruct ps (Types.Xtruct "hi" 4 5 0)
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v14
(testException ps "bad") `Control.Exception.catch` testExceptionHandler
(testMultiException ps "ok") `Control.Exception.catch` testMultiExceptionHandler1
(testMultiException ps "bad") `Control.Exception.catch` testMultiExceptionHandler2 `Control.Exception.catch` testMultiExceptionHandler3
-- ( (Client.testMultiException ps "e" "e2">> ThriftTestUtils.clientLog "bad") `Control.Exception.catch`
tClose to
where testException ps msg = do
_ <- Client.testException ps "e"
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog msg
return ()
testExceptionHandler (e :: Types.Xception) = do
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show e
testMultiException ps msg = do
_ <- Client.testMultiException ps "e" "e2"
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog msg
return ()
testMultiExceptionHandler1 (e :: Types.Xception) = do
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show e
testMultiExceptionHandler2 (e :: Types.Xception2) = do
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show e
testMultiExceptionHandler3 (_ :: Control.Exception.SomeException) = do
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog "ok"
server :: Network.PortNumber -> IO ()
server port = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog "Ready..."
(runBasicServer TestHandler ThriftTest.process port)
(\(TransportExn s _) -> error $ "FAILURE: " ++ s)
main :: IO ()
main = ThriftTestUtils.runTest server client