| (* |
| * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| * distributed with this work for additional information |
| * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| * software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| * specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| * under the License. |
| *) |
| |
| unit UnitTests; |
| |
| {$I ../src/Thrift.Defines.inc} |
| |
| interface |
| |
| uses |
| Classes, Windows, SysUtils, Math, ActiveX, ComObj, |
| {$IFDEF SupportsAsync} System.Threading, {$ENDIF} |
| DateUtils, |
| Generics.Collections, |
| TestConstants, |
| TestLogger, |
| ConsoleHelper, |
| Thrift, |
| Thrift.Protocol.Compact, |
| Thrift.Protocol.JSON, |
| Thrift.Protocol, |
| Thrift.Transport.Pipes, |
| Thrift.Transport.WinHTTP, |
| Thrift.Transport.MsxmlHTTP, |
| Thrift.Transport, |
| Thrift.Stream, |
| Thrift.Test, |
| Thrift.WinHTTP, |
| Thrift.Utils, |
| Thrift.Configuration, |
| Thrift.Collections; |
| |
| type |
| TQuickUnitTests = class sealed |
| strict private |
| FLogger : ITestLogger; |
| |
| strict protected |
| // Helper |
| procedure StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TClientTestGroup); inline; |
| procedure Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string); inline; |
| |
| // Test impl |
| procedure JSONProtocolReadWriteTest; |
| procedure HashSetTest; |
| {$IFDEF Win64} |
| procedure UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64; |
| {$ENDIF} |
| |
| // main execution part |
| constructor Create( const logger : ITestLogger); reintroduce; |
| procedure Execute; overload; |
| public |
| destructor Destroy; override; |
| |
| class procedure Execute( const logger : ITestLogger); overload; static; |
| end; |
| |
| |
| implementation |
| |
| |
| constructor TQuickUnitTests.Create( const logger : ITestLogger); |
| begin |
| inherited Create; |
| FLogger := logger; |
| end; |
| |
| |
| destructor TQuickUnitTests.Destroy; |
| begin |
| try |
| FLogger := nil; //-> Release |
| finally |
| inherited Destroy; |
| end; |
| end; |
| |
| |
| class procedure TQuickUnitTests.Execute( const logger : ITestLogger); |
| var instance : TQuickUnitTests; |
| begin |
| instance := TQuickUnitTests.Create(logger); |
| try |
| instance.Execute; |
| finally |
| instance.Free; |
| end; |
| end; |
| |
| |
| procedure TQuickUnitTests.Execute; |
| begin |
| {$IFDEF Win64} |
| UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64; |
| {$ENDIF} |
| |
| JSONProtocolReadWriteTest; |
| HashSetTest; |
| end; |
| |
| |
| procedure TQuickUnitTests.StartTestGroup( const aGroup : string; const aTest : TClientTestGroup); |
| begin |
| FLogger.StartTestGroup( aGroup, aTest); |
| end; |
| |
| |
| procedure TQuickUnitTests.Expect( aTestResult : Boolean; const aTestInfo : string); |
| begin |
| FLogger.Expect( aTestResult, aTestInfo); |
| end; |
| |
| |
| {$IFDEF Win64} |
| procedure TQuickUnitTests.UseInterlockedExchangeAdd64; |
| var a,b : Int64; |
| begin |
| a := 1; |
| b := 2; |
| Thrift.Utils.InterlockedExchangeAdd64( a,b); |
| Expect( a = 3, 'InterlockedExchangeAdd64'); |
| end; |
| {$ENDIF} |
| |
| |
| procedure TQuickUnitTests.JSONProtocolReadWriteTest; |
| // Tests only then read/write procedures of the JSON protocol |
| // All tests succeed, if we can read what we wrote before |
| // Note that passing this test does not imply, that our JSON is really compatible to what |
| // other clients or servers expect as the real JSON. This is beyond the scope of this test. |
| var prot : IProtocol; |
| stm : TStringStream; |
| list : TThriftList; |
| config : IThriftConfiguration; |
| binary, binRead, emptyBinary : TBytes; |
| i,iErr : Integer; |
| const |
| TEST_SHORT = ShortInt( $FE); |
| TEST_SMALL = SmallInt( $FEDC); |
| TEST_LONG = LongInt( $FEDCBA98); |
| TEST_I64 = Int64( $FEDCBA9876543210); |
| TEST_DOUBLE = -1.234e-56; |
| TEST_STRING = 'abc-'#$00E4#$00f6#$00fc; // german umlauts (en-us: "funny chars") |
| // Test THRIFT-2336 and THRIFT-3404 with U+1D11E (G Clef symbol) and 'Русское Название'; |
| G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT = #$1d11e' '#$0420#$0443#$0441#$0441#$043a#$043e#$0435' '#$041d#$0430#$0437#$0432#$0430#$043d#$0438#$0435; |
| G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_JSON = '"\ud834\udd1e \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435 \u041d\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435"'; |
| // test both possible solidus encodings |
| SOLIDUS_JSON_DATA = '"one/two\/three"'; |
| SOLIDUS_EXCPECTED = 'one/two/three'; |
| begin |
| stm := TStringStream.Create; |
| try |
| FLogger.StartTestGroup( 'JsonProtocolTest', test_Unknown); |
| |
| config := TThriftConfigurationImpl.Create; |
| |
| // prepare binary data |
| binary := PrepareBinaryData( FALSE, TTestSize.Normal); |
| SetLength( emptyBinary, 0); // empty binary data block |
| |
| // output setup |
| prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( |
| TStreamTransportImpl.Create( |
| nil, TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), config)); |
| |
| // write |
| Init( list, TType.String_, 9); |
| prot.WriteListBegin( list); |
| prot.WriteBool( TRUE); |
| prot.WriteBool( FALSE); |
| prot.WriteByte( TEST_SHORT); |
| prot.WriteI16( TEST_SMALL); |
| prot.WriteI32( TEST_LONG); |
| prot.WriteI64( TEST_I64); |
| prot.WriteDouble( TEST_DOUBLE); |
| prot.WriteString( TEST_STRING); |
| prot.WriteBinary( binary); |
| prot.WriteString( ''); // empty string |
| prot.WriteBinary( emptyBinary); // empty binary data block |
| prot.WriteListEnd; |
| |
| // input setup |
| Expect( stm.Position = stm.Size, 'Stream position/length after write'); |
| stm.Position := 0; |
| prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( |
| TStreamTransportImpl.Create( |
| TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config)); |
| |
| // read and compare |
| list := prot.ReadListBegin; |
| Expect( list.ElementType = TType.String_, 'list element type'); |
| Expect( list.Count = 9, 'list element count'); |
| Expect( prot.ReadBool, 'WriteBool/ReadBool: TRUE'); |
| Expect( not prot.ReadBool, 'WriteBool/ReadBool: FALSE'); |
| Expect( prot.ReadByte = TEST_SHORT, 'WriteByte/ReadByte'); |
| Expect( prot.ReadI16 = TEST_SMALL, 'WriteI16/ReadI16'); |
| Expect( prot.ReadI32 = TEST_LONG, 'WriteI32/ReadI32'); |
| Expect( prot.ReadI64 = TEST_I64, 'WriteI64/ReadI64'); |
| Expect( abs(prot.ReadDouble-TEST_DOUBLE) < abs(DELTA_DOUBLE), 'WriteDouble/ReadDouble'); |
| Expect( prot.ReadString = TEST_STRING, 'WriteString/ReadString'); |
| binRead := prot.ReadBinary; |
| Expect( Length(prot.ReadString) = 0, 'WriteString/ReadString (empty string)'); |
| Expect( Length(prot.ReadBinary) = 0, 'empty WriteBinary/ReadBinary (empty data block)'); |
| prot.ReadListEnd; |
| |
| // test binary data |
| Expect( Length(binary) = Length(binRead), 'Binary data length check'); |
| iErr := -1; |
| for i := Low(binary) to High(binary) do begin |
| if binary[i] <> binRead[i] then begin |
| iErr := i; |
| Break; |
| end; |
| end; |
| if iErr < 0 |
| then Expect( TRUE, 'Binary data check ('+IntToStr(Length(binary))+' Bytes)') |
| else Expect( FALSE, 'Binary data check at offset '+IntToStr(iErr)); |
| |
| Expect( stm.Position = stm.Size, 'Stream position after read'); |
| |
| |
| // Solidus can be encoded in two ways. Make sure we can read both |
| stm.Position := 0; |
| stm.Size := 0; |
| stm.WriteString(SOLIDUS_JSON_DATA); |
| stm.Position := 0; |
| prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( |
| TStreamTransportImpl.Create( |
| TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config)); |
| Expect( prot.ReadString = SOLIDUS_EXCPECTED, 'Solidus encoding'); |
| |
| |
| // Widechars should work too. Do they? |
| // After writing, we ensure that we are able to read it back |
| // We can't assume hex-encoding, since (nearly) any Unicode char is valid JSON |
| stm.Position := 0; |
| stm.Size := 0; |
| prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( |
| TStreamTransportImpl.Create( |
| nil, TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), config)); |
| prot.WriteString( G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT); |
| stm.Position := 0; |
| prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( |
| TStreamTransportImpl.Create( |
| TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config)); |
| FLogger.Expect( prot.ReadString = G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT, 'Writing JSON with chars > 8 bit'); |
| |
| // Widechars should work with hex-encoding too. Do they? |
| stm.Position := 0; |
| stm.Size := 0; |
| stm.WriteString( G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_JSON); |
| stm.Position := 0; |
| prot := TJSONProtocolImpl.Create( |
| TStreamTransportImpl.Create( |
| TThriftStreamAdapterDelphi.Create( stm, FALSE), nil, config)); |
| FLogger.Expect( prot.ReadString = G_CLEF_AND_CYRILLIC_TEXT, 'Reading JSON with chars > 8 bit'); |
| |
| |
| finally |
| stm.Free; |
| prot := nil; //-> Release |
| FLogger.StartTestGroup( '', test_Unknown); // no more tests here |
| end; |
| end; |
| |
| |
| procedure TQuickUnitTests.HashSetTest; |
| var container : IThriftHashSet<Integer>; |
| testdata : array of Integer; |
| i : Integer; |
| const |
| TEST_COUNT = 4096; |
| begin |
| StartTestGroup( 'IThriftHashSet<T> implementation', test_Containers); |
| |
| // prepare test data |
| SetLength( testdata, 5); |
| testdata[0] := -2; |
| testdata[1] := 0; |
| testdata[2] := 42; |
| testdata[3] := MaxInt; |
| testdata[4] := Low(Integer); |
| |
| // first insert |
| container := TThriftHashSetImpl<Integer>.Create; |
| for i in testdata do begin |
| Expect( container.Add( i), 'add first '+IntToStr(i)); |
| Expect( container.Contains( i), 'contains '+IntToStr(i)); |
| end; |
| Expect( container.Count = Length(testdata), 'container size'); |
| |
| // insert again |
| for i in testdata do begin |
| Expect( not container.Add( i), 'add second '+IntToStr(i)); |
| Expect( container.Contains( i), 'contains '+IntToStr(i)); |
| end; |
| Expect( container.Count = Length(testdata), 'container size'); |
| |
| // remove |
| for i in testdata do begin |
| Expect( container.Remove( i), 'first remove '+IntToStr(i)); |
| Expect( not container.Contains( i), 'not contains '+IntToStr(i)); |
| end; |
| Expect( container.Count = 0, 'container size'); |
| |
| // remove again |
| for i in testdata do begin |
| Expect( not container.Remove( i), 'second remove '+IntToStr(i)); |
| Expect( not container.Contains( i), 'not contains '+IntToStr(i)); |
| end; |
| Expect( container.Count = 0, 'container size'); |
| |
| // append and clear |
| for i := 0 to TEST_COUNT-1 do begin |
| container.Add(-i); |
| container.Add(+i); |
| end; |
| Expect( container.Count = 2*TEST_COUNT-1, 'container size check'); |
| Expect( not container.Contains( -TEST_COUNT), 'element not contained'); |
| Expect( not container.Contains( TEST_COUNT), 'element not contained'); |
| container.Clear; |
| Expect( container.Count = 0, 'count=0 after clear'); |
| end; |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| end. |