blob: 6379c1cfcb0325d494353b7a10ca74addedcb7b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2008- Facebook
// Distributed under the Thrift Software License
// See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
#include <tr1/functional>
#include "thrift/lib/cpp/concurrency/Thread.h"
namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace concurrency {
* Convenient implementation of Runnable that will execute arbitrary callbacks.
* Interfaces are provided to accept both a generic 'void(void)' callback, and
* a 'void* (void*)' pthread_create-style callback.
* Example use:
* void* my_thread_main(void* arg);
* shared_ptr<ThreadFactory> factory = ...;
* shared_ptr<Thread> thread =
* factory->newThread(shared_ptr<FunctionRunner>(
* new FunctionRunner(my_thread_main, some_argument)));
* thread->start();
* @author mrabkin
class FunctionRunner : public Runnable {
// This is the type of callback 'pthread_create()' expects.
typedef void* (*PthreadFuncPtr)(void *arg);
// This a fully-generic void(void) callback for custom bindings.
typedef std::tr1::function<void()> VoidFunc;
* Given a 'pthread_create' style callback, this FunctionRunner will
* execute the given callback. Note that the 'void*' return value is ignored.
FunctionRunner(PthreadFuncPtr func, void* arg)
: func_(std::tr1::bind(func, arg))
{ }
* Given a generic callback, this FunctionRunner will execute it.
FunctionRunner(const VoidFunc& cob)
: func_(cob)
{ }
void run() {
VoidFunc func_;
}}} // apache::thrift::concurrency