blob: cfaf285d8ffe4fd3b86c2c5d522ae089cd275228 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
public struct TApplicationError : TError {
public enum Code : TErrorCode {
case unknown
case unknownMethod(methodName: String?)
case invalidMessageType
case wrongMethodName(methodName: String?)
case badSequenceId
case missingResult(methodName: String?)
case internalError
case protocolError
case invalidTransform
case invalidProtocol
case unsupportedClientType
/// Initialize a TApplicationError with a Thrift error code
/// Normally this would be achieved with RawRepresentable however
/// by doing this we can allow for associated properties on enum cases for
/// case specific context data in a Swifty, type-safe manner.
/// - parameter thriftErrorCode: Integer TApplicationError(exception) error code.
/// Default to 0 (.unknown)
public init(thriftErrorCode: Int) {
switch thriftErrorCode {
case 1: self = .unknownMethod(methodName: nil)
case 2: self = .invalidMessageType
case 3: self = .wrongMethodName(methodName: nil)
case 4: self = .badSequenceId
case 5: self = .missingResult(methodName: nil)
case 6: self = .internalError
case 7: self = .protocolError
case 8: self = .invalidProtocol
case 9: self = .invalidTransform
case 10: self = .unsupportedClientType
default: self = .unknown
public var thriftErrorCode: Int {
switch self {
case .unknown: return 0
case .unknownMethod: return 1
case .invalidMessageType: return 2
case .wrongMethodName: return 3
case .badSequenceId: return 4
case .missingResult: return 5
case .internalError: return 6
case .protocolError: return 7
case .invalidProtocol: return 8
case .invalidTransform: return 9
case .unsupportedClientType: return 10
public var description: String {
/// Output "for #methodName" if method is not nil else empty
let methodUnwrap: (String?) -> String = { method in
return "\(method == nil ? "" : " for \(method ?? "")")"
switch self {
case .unknown: return "Unknown TApplicationError"
case .unknownMethod(let method): return "Unknown Method\(methodUnwrap(method))"
case .invalidMessageType: return "Invalid Message Type"
case .wrongMethodName(let method): return "Wrong Method Name\(methodUnwrap(method))"
case .badSequenceId: return "Bad Sequence ID"
case .missingResult(let method): return "Missing Result\(methodUnwrap(method))"
case .internalError: return "Internal Error"
case .protocolError: return "Protocol Error"
case .invalidProtocol: return "Invalid Protocol"
case .invalidTransform: return "Invalid Transform"
case .unsupportedClientType: return "Unsupported Client Type"
public init() { }
public init(thriftErrorCode code: Int, message: String? = nil) {
self.error = Code(thriftErrorCode: code)
self.message = message
public var error: Code = .unknown
public var message: String? = nil
public static var defaultCase: Code { return .unknown }
extension TApplicationError : TSerializable {
public static var thriftType: TType { return .struct }
public static func read(from proto: TProtocol) throws -> TApplicationError {
var errorCode: Int = 0
var message: String? = nil
_ = try proto.readStructBegin()
fields: while true {
let (_, fieldType, fieldID) = try proto.readFieldBegin()
switch (fieldID, fieldType) {
case (_, .stop):
break fields
case (1, .string):
message = try
case (2, .i32):
errorCode = Int(try as Int32)
case let (_, unknownType):
try proto.skip(type: unknownType)
try proto.readFieldEnd()
try proto.readStructEnd()
return TApplicationError(thriftErrorCode: errorCode, message: message)
public func write(to proto: TProtocol) throws {
try proto.writeStructBegin(name: "TApplicationException")
try proto.writeFieldBegin(name: "message", type: .string, fieldID: 1)
try proto.write(message ?? "")
try proto.writeFieldEnd()
try proto.writeFieldBegin(name: "type", type: .i32, fieldID: 2)
let val = Int32(error.thriftErrorCode)
try proto.write(val)
try proto.writeFieldEnd()
try proto.writeFieldStop()
try proto.writeStructEnd()
extension TApplicationError: Hashable {
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
public func ==(lhs: TApplicationError, rhs: TApplicationError) -> Bool {
return lhs.error.thriftErrorCode == rhs.error.thriftErrorCode && lhs.message == rhs.message