| Thrift (Thrift IDL and RPC tool) |
| Version 1.0 (22 August 2006) |
| |
| Mark Slee (mcslee@facebook.com) |
| Aditya Agarwal (aditya@facebook.com) |
| Marc Kwiatkowski (marc@facebook.com) |
| |
| $Header$ |
| |
| Thrift is distributed under the Thrift open source software license. |
| Please see the included LICENSE file. |
| |
| Introduction |
| ============ |
| |
| Thrift is a lightweight, language-independent software stack with an |
| associated code generation mechanism for RPC. |
| |
| Requirements |
| ============ |
| Thrift requires boost shared pointers from boost-1.33.1 or greater, |
| see http://www.boost.org/libs/smart_ptr/smart_ptr.htm |
| |
| Resources |
| ========= |
| |
| More information about Thrift can be obtained on the Thrift webpage at: |
| |
| http://developers.facebook.com/thrift |
| |
| Acknowledgments |
| =============== |
| |
| Thrift was inspired by pillar, a lightweight RPC tool written by Adam D'Angelo |
| |
| ============ |
| |
| If you are building from the first time out of the source repository, you will |
| need to generate the configure scripts. From the top directory, do: |
| |
| ./bootstrap.sh |
| |
| Once the configure scripts are generated, thrift can be configured. |
| From the top directory, do: |
| |
| ./configure |
| |
| You may need to specify the location of the boost files explicitly. |
| If you installed boost in /usr/local, you would run configure as follows: |
| |
| ./configure --with-boost=/usr/local |
| |
| Note that by default the thrift C++ library is built with no debugging symbols |
| included. If you would like debugging symbols during development work, run: |
| |
| ./configure CFLAGS='-g -O2' |
| |
| Run ./configure --help to see other configuration options |
| |
| Make thrift |
| |
| make |
| |
| From the top directory, become superuser and do: |
| |
| make install |