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Thrift Erlang Library
README Author: Chris Piro (
Last Modified: 2007-Sep-17
Thrift is distributed under the Thrift open source software license.
Please see the included LICENSE file.
Using Thrift with Erlang
The Thrift Erlang binding is built using GNU make. Run `make' in
lib/erl to generate the necessary .beam object files in lib/erl/ebin/.
Although the directories are laid out much like an OTP application,
these bindings (as you will soon discover) are not an OTP application
proper. When starting the Erlang emulator (interpreter) you must use
`-pa /path/to/thrift/lib/erl/ebin' to load the bindings.
Running the Tutorial
It is recommended to pattern your own servers after the tutorial
included in tutorial/. Generate the gen-erl/ directory by running
tutorial.thrift, then cd to tutorial/erl/ and run This
script includes the commmands necessary to compile the generated
Erlang source, compile the tutorial server itself, and open the Erlang
emulator. At the emulator prompt, type `server:start()' to begin
listening for connections.
Note that there is no tutorial client; you may use a supplied client
in another language.
Implementation Notes
tExecptions and t*Factorys are straight "new" -- e.g. TF =
tTransportFactory:new() everything else is start_new
(i.e. gen_server:start_link) -- this spawns a process and returns a
tErlProcessor is a shim around the generated code (which is not
actually a gen_server). Of course tErlProcessor isn't a gen_server
either ... thrift_oop_server is a shim to make our "Thrift objects"
gen_servers. Maybe we should remove some layers?
get/set never means process dictionary
Use tErlServer and tErlAcceptor. tSimpleServer and tServerSocket as
are present in the other bindings are incompatible by design ... the
call trace is spastic across the process tree. tErlServer and
tErlAcceptor follow the same model as iserve:
* the top level code spawns a tErlServer, which listens on a socket
* a tErlAcceptor is spawned and calls accept() on the listening
* when accept() finishes, the tErlAcceptor
* tells the tErlServer to spawn a new acceptor
* handles the requests by spawning a processor, a transport, and a
* (the tricky part) when the socket closes, the protocol exits, so:
* the transport exits because it's the one caller of the protocol
* likewise, the processor exits because it's the caller of the
* the tErlAcceptor traps the protocol's exit and exits with an
* the tErlServer sees that the acceptor exited and does nothing
since there is already another acceptor accept()ing on the listen
For info about iserve:
Final Thoughts
This binding is a work in progress. It's certainly less thoroughly
tested than the other, older bindings. Despite using parts from
otp_base it is not packaged well, nor is it an OTP application (not to
mention its many smaller transgressions). This implementation
intentionally patterns after the other bindings (which is why there's
oop.erl and thrift_oop_server), but regretfully it departs from
idiomatic Erlang. Please see the included TODO and contribute your
improvements back to the project.