blob: 03e9b903e924053f6405c01f8c0eb705a4be1fc8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
* Contains <b>experimental</b> functionality for generating Thrift IDL files
* (.thrift) from existing D data structures, i.e. the reverse of what the
* Thrift compiler does.
module thrift.codegen.idlgen;
import std.algorithm : find;
import std.array : empty, front;
import std.conv : to;
import std.traits : EnumMembers, isSomeFunction, OriginalType,
ParameterTypeTuple, ReturnType;
import std.typetuple : allSatisfy, staticIndexOf, staticMap, NoDuplicates,
import thrift.base;
import thrift.codegen.base;
import thrift.internal.codegen;
import thrift.internal.ctfe;
import thrift.util.hashset;
* True if the passed type is a Thrift entity (struct, exception, enum,
* service).
alias Any!(isStruct, isException, isEnum, isService) isThriftEntity;
* Returns an IDL string describing the passed »root« entities and all types
* they depend on.
template idlString(Roots...) if (allSatisfy!(isThriftEntity, Roots)) {
enum idlString = idlStringImpl!Roots.result;
private {
template idlStringImpl(Roots...) if (allSatisfy!(isThriftEntity, Roots)) {
alias ForAllWithList!(
ConfinedTuple!(StaticFilter!(isService, Roots)),
) Services;
alias TypeTuple!(
StaticFilter!(isEnum, Roots),
StaticFilter!(Any!(isException, isStruct), Roots),
staticMap!(CompositeTypeDeps, staticMap!(ServiceTypeDeps, Services))
) Types;
enum result = ctfeJoin(
StaticFilter!(isEnum, Types)
StaticFilter!(Any!(isStruct, isException), Types)
template ServiceTypeDeps(T) if (isService!T) {
alias staticMap!(
PApply!(MethodTypeDeps, T),
FilterMethodNames!(T, __traits(derivedMembers, T))
) ServiceTypeDeps;
template MethodTypeDeps(T, string name) if (
isService!T && isSomeFunction!(MemberType!(T, name))
) {
alias TypeTuple!(
ReturnType!(MemberType!(T, name)),
ParameterTypeTuple!(MemberType!(T, name)),
ExceptionTypes!(T, name)
) MethodTypeDeps;
template ExceptionTypes(T, string name) if (
isService!T && isSomeFunction!(MemberType!(T, name))
) {
enum meta = find!` == b`(getMethodMeta!T, name);
if (meta.empty) return "alias TypeTuple!() ExceptionTypes;";
string result = "alias TypeTuple!(";
foreach (i, e; meta.front.exceptions) {
if (i > 0) result ~= ", ";
result ~= "mixin(`T." ~ e.type ~ "`)";
result ~= ") ExceptionTypes;";
return result;
template AddBaseServices(T, List...) {
static if (staticIndexOf!(T, List) == -1) {
alias NoDuplicates!(BaseServices!T, List) AddBaseServices;
} else {
alias List AddStructWithDeps;
unittest {
interface A {}
interface B : A {}
interface C : B {}
interface D : A {}
static assert(is(AddBaseServices!(C) == TypeTuple!(A, B, C)));
static assert(is(ForAllWithList!(ConfinedTuple!(C, D), AddBaseServices) ==
TypeTuple!(A, D, B, C)));
template BaseServices(T, Rest...) if (isService!T) {
static if (isDerivedService!T) {
alias BaseServices!(BaseService!T, T, Rest) BaseServices;
} else {
alias TypeTuple!(T, Rest) BaseServices;
template AddStructWithDeps(T, List...) {
static if (staticIndexOf!(T, List) == -1) {
// T is not already in the List, so add T and the types it depends on in
// the front. Because with the Thrift compiler types can only depend on
// other types that have already been defined, we collect all the
// dependencies, prepend them to the list, and then prune the duplicates
// (keeping the first occurences). If this requirement should ever be
// dropped from Thrift, this could be easily adapted to handle circular
// dependencies by passing TypeTuple!(T, List) to ForAllWithList instead
// of appending List afterwards, and removing the now unneccesary
// NoDuplicates.
alias NoDuplicates!(
PApply!(MemberType, T),
) AddStructWithDeps;
} else {
alias List AddStructWithDeps;
version (unittest) {
struct A {}
struct B {
A a;
int b;
A c;
string d;
struct C {
B b;
A a;
static assert(is(AddStructWithDeps!C == TypeTuple!(A, B, C)));
struct D {
C c;
mixin TStructHelpers!([TFieldMeta("c", 0, TReq.IGNORE)]);
static assert(is(AddStructWithDeps!D == TypeTuple!(D)));
version (unittest) {
// Circles in the type dependency graph are not allowed in Thrift, but make
// sure we fail in a sane way instead of crashing the compiler.
struct Rec1 {
Rec2[] other;
struct Rec2 {
Rec1[] other;
static assert(!__traits(compiles, AddStructWithDeps!Rec1));
* Returns the non-primitive types T directly depends on.
* For example, CompositeTypeDeps!int would yield an empty type tuple,
* CompositeTypeDeps!SomeStruct would give SomeStruct, and
* CompositeTypeDeps!(A[B]) both CompositeTypeDeps!A and CompositeTypeDeps!B.
template CompositeTypeDeps(T) {
static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == bool) || is(FullyUnqual!T == byte) ||
is(FullyUnqual!T == short) || is(FullyUnqual!T == int) ||
is(FullyUnqual!T == long) || is(FullyUnqual!T : string) ||
is(FullyUnqual!T == double) || is(FullyUnqual!T == void)
) {
alias TypeTuple!() CompositeTypeDeps;
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : U[], U)) {
alias CompositeTypeDeps!U CompositeTypeDeps;
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : HashSet!E, E)) {
alias CompositeTypeDeps!E CompositeTypeDeps;
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : V[K], K, V)) {
alias TypeTuple!(CompositeTypeDeps!K, CompositeTypeDeps!V) CompositeTypeDeps;
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == enum) || is(FullyUnqual!T == struct) ||
is(FullyUnqual!T : TException)
) {
alias TypeTuple!(FullyUnqual!T) CompositeTypeDeps;
} else {
static assert(false, "Cannot represent type in Thrift: " ~ T.stringof);
* Returns an IDL string describing the passed service. IDL code for any type
* dependcies is not included.
template serviceIdlString(T) if (isService!T) {
enum serviceIdlString = {
string result = "service " ~ T.stringof;
static if (isDerivedService!T) {
result ~= " extends " ~ BaseService!T.stringof;
result ~= " {\n";
foreach (methodName; FilterMethodNames!(T, __traits(derivedMembers, T))) {
result ~= " ";
enum meta = find!` == b`(T.methodMeta, methodName);
static if (!meta.empty && meta.front.type == TMethodType.ONEWAY) {
result ~= "oneway ";
alias ReturnType!(MemberType!(T, methodName)) RT;
static if (is(RT == void)) {
// We special-case this here instead of adding void to dToIdlType to
// avoid accepting things like void[].
result ~= "void ";
} else {
result ~= dToIdlType!RT ~ " ";
result ~= methodName ~ "(";
short lastId;
foreach (i, ParamType; ParameterTypeTuple!(MemberType!(T, methodName))) {
static if (!meta.empty && i < meta.front.params.length) {
enum havePM = true;
} else {
enum havePM = false;
short id;
static if (havePM) {
id = meta.front.params[i].id;
} else {
id = --lastId;
string paramName;
static if (havePM) {
paramName = meta.front.params[i].name;
} else {
paramName = "param" ~ to!string(i + 1);
result ~= to!string(id) ~ ": " ~ dToIdlType!ParamType ~ " " ~ paramName;
static if (havePM && !meta.front.params[i].defaultValue.empty) {
result ~= " = " ~ dToIdlConst(mixin(meta.front.params[i].defaultValue));
} else {
// Unfortunately, getting the default value for parameters from a
// function alias isn't possible – we can't transfer the default
// value to the IDL e.g. for interface Foo { void foo(int a = 5); }
// without the user explicitly declaring it in metadata.
result ~= ", ";
result ~= ")";
static if (!meta.empty && !meta.front.exceptions.empty) {
result ~= " throws (";
foreach (e; meta.front.exceptions) {
result ~= to!string( ~ ": " ~ e.type ~ " " ~ ~ ", ";
result ~= ")";
result ~= ",\n";
result ~= "}\n";
return result;
* Returns an IDL string describing the passed enum. IDL code for any type
* dependcies is not included.
template enumIdlString(T) if (isEnum!T) {
enum enumIdlString = {
static assert(is(OriginalType!T : long),
"Can only have integer enums in Thrift (not " ~ OriginalType!T.stringof ~
", for " ~ T.stringof ~ ").");
string result = "enum " ~ T.stringof ~ " {\n";
foreach (name; __traits(derivedMembers, T)) {
result ~= " " ~ name ~ " = " ~ dToIdlConst(GetMember!(T, name)) ~ ",\n";
result ~= "}\n";
return result;
* Returns an IDL string describing the passed struct. IDL code for any type
* dependcies is not included.
template structIdlString(T) if (isStruct!T || isException!T) {
enum structIdlString = {
string code = "";
foreach (field; getFieldMeta!T) {
code ~= "static assert(is(MemberType!(T, `" ~ ~ "`)));\n";
return code;
string result;
static if (isException!T) {
result = "exception ";
} else {
result = "struct ";
result ~= T.stringof ~ " {\n";
// The last automatically assigned id – fields with no meta information
// are assigned (in lexical order) descending negative ids, starting with
// -1, just like the Thrift compiler does.
short lastId;
foreach (name; FieldNames!T) {
enum meta = find!` == b`(getFieldMeta!T, name);
static if (meta.empty || meta.front.req != TReq.IGNORE) {
short id;
static if (meta.empty) {
id = --lastId;
} else {
id =;
result ~= " " ~ to!string(id) ~ ":";
static if (!meta.empty) {
result ~= dToIdlReq(meta.front.req);
result ~= " " ~ dToIdlType!(MemberType!(T, name)) ~ " " ~ name;
static if (!meta.empty && !meta.front.defaultValue.empty) {
result ~= " = " ~ dToIdlConst(mixin(meta.front.defaultValue));
} else static if (__traits(compiles, fieldInitA!(T, name))) {
static if (is(typeof(fieldInitA!(T, name))) &&
!is(typeof(fieldInitA!(T, name)) == void)
) {
result ~= " = " ~ dToIdlConst(fieldInitA!(T, name));
} else static if (is(typeof(fieldInitB!(T, name))) &&
!is(typeof(fieldInitB!(T, name)) == void)
) {
result ~= " = " ~ dToIdlConst(fieldInitB!(T, name));
result ~= ",\n";
result ~= "}\n";
return result;
private {
// This very convoluted way of doing things was chosen because putting the
// static if directly into structIdlString caused »not evaluatable at compile
// time« errors to slip through even though typeof() was used, resp. the
// condition to be true even though the value couldn't actually be read at
// compile time due to a @@BUG@@ in DMD 2.055.
// The extra »compiled« field in fieldInitA is needed because we must not try
// to use != if !is compiled as well (but was false), e.g. for floating point
// types.
template fieldInitA(T, string name) {
static if (mixin("T.init." ~ name) !is MemberType!(T, name).init) {
enum fieldInitA = mixin("T.init." ~ name);
template fieldInitB(T, string name) {
static if (mixin("T.init." ~ name) != MemberType!(T, name).init) {
enum fieldInitB = mixin("T.init." ~ name);
template dToIdlType(T) {
static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == bool)) {
enum dToIdlType = "bool";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == byte)) {
enum dToIdlType = "byte";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == double)) {
enum dToIdlType = "double";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == short)) {
enum dToIdlType = "i16";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == int)) {
enum dToIdlType = "i32";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == long)) {
enum dToIdlType = "i64";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T : string)) {
enum dToIdlType = "string";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : U[], U)) {
enum dToIdlType = "list<" ~ dToIdlType!U ~ ">";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : V[K], K, V)) {
enum dToIdlType = "map<" ~ dToIdlType!K ~ ", " ~ dToIdlType!V ~ ">";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : HashSet!E, E)) {
enum dToIdlType = "set<" ~ dToIdlType!E ~ ">";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == struct) || is(FullyUnqual!T == enum) ||
is(FullyUnqual!T : TException)
) {
enum dToIdlType = FullyUnqual!(T).stringof;
} else {
static assert(false, "Cannot represent type in Thrift: " ~ T.stringof);
string dToIdlReq(TReq req) {
switch (req) {
case TReq.REQUIRED: return " required";
case TReq.OPTIONAL: return " optional";
default: return "";
string dToIdlConst(T)(T value) {
static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == bool)) {
return value ? "1" : "0";
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == byte) ||
is(FullyUnqual!T == short) || is(FullyUnqual!T == int) ||
is(FullyUnqual!T == long)
) {
return to!string(value);
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T : string)) {
return `"` ~ to!string(value) ~ `"`;
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == double)) {
return ctfeToString(value);
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : U[], U) ||
is(FullyUnqual!T _ : HashSet!E, E)
) {
string result = "[";
foreach (e; value) {
result ~= dToIdlConst(e) ~ ", ";
result ~= "]";
return result;
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T _ : V[K], K, V)) {
string result = "{";
foreach (key, val; value) {
result ~= dToIdlConst(key) ~ ": " ~ dToIdlConst(val) ~ ", ";
result ~= "}";
return result;
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == enum)) {
import std.conv;
import std.traits;
return to!string(cast(OriginalType!T)value);
} else static if (is(FullyUnqual!T == struct) ||
is(FullyUnqual!T : TException)
) {
string result = "{";
foreach (name; __traits(derivedMembers, T)) {
static if (memberReq!(T, name) != TReq.IGNORE) {
result ~= name ~ ": " ~ dToIdlConst(mixin("value." ~ name)) ~ ", ";
result ~= "}";
return result;
} else {
static assert(false, "Cannot represent type in Thrift: " ~ T.stringof);
version (unittest) {
enum Foo {
a = 1,
b = 10,
c = 5
static assert(enumIdlString!Foo ==
`enum Foo {
a = 1,
b = 10,
c = 5,
version (unittest) {
struct WithoutMeta {
string a;
int b;
struct WithDefaults {
string a = "asdf";
double b = 3.1415;
WithoutMeta c;
mixin TStructHelpers!([
TFieldMeta("c", 1, TReq.init, `WithoutMeta("foo", 3)`)
// These are from DebugProtoTest.thrift.
struct OneOfEach {
bool im_true;
bool im_false;
byte a_bite;
short integer16;
int integer32;
long integer64;
double double_precision;
string some_characters;
string zomg_unicode;
bool what_who;
string base64;
byte[] byte_list;
short[] i16_list;
long[] i64_list;
mixin TStructHelpers!([
TFieldMeta(`im_true`, 1),
TFieldMeta(`im_false`, 2),
TFieldMeta(`a_bite`, 3, TReq.OPT_IN_REQ_OUT, q{cast(byte)127}),
TFieldMeta(`integer16`, 4, TReq.OPT_IN_REQ_OUT, q{cast(short)32767}),
TFieldMeta(`integer32`, 5),
TFieldMeta(`integer64`, 6, TReq.OPT_IN_REQ_OUT, q{10000000000L}),
TFieldMeta(`double_precision`, 7),
TFieldMeta(`some_characters`, 8),
TFieldMeta(`zomg_unicode`, 9),
TFieldMeta(`what_who`, 10),
TFieldMeta(`base64`, 11),
TFieldMeta(`byte_list`, 12, TReq.OPT_IN_REQ_OUT, q{{
byte[] v;
v ~= cast(byte)1;
v ~= cast(byte)2;
v ~= cast(byte)3;
return v;
TFieldMeta(`i16_list`, 13, TReq.OPT_IN_REQ_OUT, q{{
short[] v;
v ~= cast(short)1;
v ~= cast(short)2;
v ~= cast(short)3;
return v;
TFieldMeta(`i64_list`, 14, TReq.OPT_IN_REQ_OUT, q{{
long[] v;
v ~= 1L;
v ~= 2L;
v ~= 3L;
return v;
struct Bonk {
int type;
string message;
mixin TStructHelpers!([
TFieldMeta(`type`, 1),
TFieldMeta(`message`, 2)
struct HolyMoley {
OneOfEach[] big;
HashSet!(string[]) contain;
Bonk[][string] bonks;
mixin TStructHelpers!([
TFieldMeta(`big`, 1),
TFieldMeta(`contain`, 2),
TFieldMeta(`bonks`, 3)
static assert(structIdlString!WithoutMeta ==
`struct WithoutMeta {
-1: string a,
-2: i32 b,
static assert(structIdlString!WithDefaults ==
`struct WithDefaults {
-1: string a = "asdf",
-2: double b = 3.1415,
1: WithoutMeta c = {a: "foo", b: 3, },
static assert(structIdlString!OneOfEach ==
`struct OneOfEach {
1: bool im_true,
2: bool im_false,
3: byte a_bite = 127,
4: i16 integer16 = 32767,
5: i32 integer32,
6: i64 integer64 = 10000000000,
7: double double_precision,
8: string some_characters,
9: string zomg_unicode,
10: bool what_who,
11: string base64,
12: list<byte> byte_list = [1, 2, 3, ],
13: list<i16> i16_list = [1, 2, 3, ],
14: list<i64> i64_list = [1, 2, 3, ],
static assert(structIdlString!Bonk ==
`struct Bonk {
1: i32 type,
2: string message,
static assert(structIdlString!HolyMoley ==
`struct HolyMoley {
1: list<OneOfEach> big,
2: set<list<string>> contain,
3: map<string, list<Bonk>> bonks,
version (unittest) {
class ExceptionWithAMap : TException {
string blah;
string[string] map_field;
mixin TStructHelpers!([
TFieldMeta(`blah`, 1),
TFieldMeta(`map_field`, 2)
interface Srv {
void voidMethod();
int primitiveMethod();
OneOfEach structMethod();
void methodWithDefaultArgs(int something);
void onewayMethod();
void exceptionMethod();
alias .ExceptionWithAMap ExceptionWithAMap;
enum methodMeta = [
[TParamMeta(`something`, 1, q{2})]
TExceptionMeta("a", 1, "ExceptionWithAMap"),
TExceptionMeta("b", 2, "ExceptionWithAMap")
interface ChildSrv : Srv {
int childMethod(int arg);
static assert(idlString!ChildSrv ==
`exception ExceptionWithAMap {
1: string blah,
2: map<string, string> map_field,
struct OneOfEach {
1: bool im_true,
2: bool im_false,
3: byte a_bite = 127,
4: i16 integer16 = 32767,
5: i32 integer32,
6: i64 integer64 = 10000000000,
7: double double_precision,
8: string some_characters,
9: string zomg_unicode,
10: bool what_who,
11: string base64,
12: list<byte> byte_list = [1, 2, 3, ],
13: list<i16> i16_list = [1, 2, 3, ],
14: list<i64> i64_list = [1, 2, 3, ],
service Srv {
void voidMethod(),
i32 primitiveMethod(),
OneOfEach structMethod(),
void methodWithDefaultArgs(1: i32 something = 2, ),
oneway void onewayMethod(),
void exceptionMethod() throws (1: ExceptionWithAMap a, 2: ExceptionWithAMap b, ),
service ChildSrv extends Srv {
i32 childMethod(-1: i32 param1, ),