blob: b619222b6eaf968c483f9f94c9da87c5468f09c7 [file] [log] [blame]
if [ $# -ne 2 ];then
echo ""
echo "usage: $0 <appname> <prefix>"
echo ""
echo "appname is the title of the application to be generated"
echo "prefix is the prefix that will be appended to all files in"
echo "the application due to erlangs lack of a package structure. The prefix"
echo "is typicaly the first letter of each word in the name of the application"
echo ""
echo "example: $0 chat_server cs"
echo ""
exit 1
APP_NAME_UPPER_CASE=$(echo $APP_NAME | tr a-z A-Z)
cd ../.appgen
echo `pwd`
cp -r blank_app $APP_NAME
cp -r blank_app_rel "$APP_NAME"_rel
cd "$APP_NAME"_rel
ls blank_app* | ../ blank_app $APP_NAME
cd ..
# The base directory of the release
./ %%APP_NAME%% $APP_NAME "$APP_NAME"_rel/"$APP_NAME"_rel.rel.src
cd $APP_NAME/src
ls ba* | ../../ ba $PREFIX
ls blank_app* | ../../ blank_app $APP_NAME
cd -
# The base directory of the application
# The src directory of the application
./ %%APP_NAME%% $APP_NAME $APP_NAME/src/Makefile
./ %%PFX%% $PREFIX $APP_NAME/src/Makefile
./ %%PFX%% $PREFIX $APP_NAME/src/"$APP_NAME".erl
./ %%PFX%% $PREFIX $APP_NAME/src/"$PREFIX"_sup.erl
./ %%APP_NAME%% $APP_NAME $APP_NAME/src/"$PREFIX"_sup.erl
./ %%PFX%% $PREFIX $APP_NAME/src/"$PREFIX"_server.erl
./ %%APP_NAME%% $APP_NAME $APP_NAME/src/"$PREFIX"_server.erl
# include directory
mv $APP_NAME/include/blank_app.hrl $APP_NAME/include/"$APP_NAME".hrl
find $APP_NAME -name ".svn" | xargs rm -r
mv $APP_NAME ../../lib
mv "$APP_NAME"_rel ../../release
echo ""
echo "$APP_NAME has been generated and placed under lib/$APP_NAME"
echo $APP_NAME"_rel has been generated and placed under release/$APP_NAME""_rel"
echo ""
cd ../utilities