blob: 600b50891bf9cf48085b0d58a0d93fc567cb2860 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
namespace facebook { namespace thrift { namespace concurrency {
using namespace boost;
class Thread;
* Minimal runnable class. More or less analogous to java.lang.Runnable.
* @author marc
* @version $Id:$
class Runnable {
virtual ~Runnable() {};
virtual void run() = 0;
* Gets the thread object that is hosting this runnable object - can return
* an empty shared pointer if no references remain on thet thread object
virtual shared_ptr<Thread> thread() { return thread_.lock(); }
* Sets the thread that is executing this object. This is only meant for
* use by concrete implementations of Thread.
virtual void thread(shared_ptr<Thread> value) { thread_ = value; }
weak_ptr<Thread> thread_;
* Minimal thread class. Returned by thread factory bound to a Runnable object
* and ready to start execution. More or less analogous to java.lang.Thread
* (minus all the thread group, priority, mode and other baggage, since that
* is difficult to abstract across platforms and is left for platform-specific
* ThreadFactory implemtations to deal with
* @see facebook::thrift::concurrency::ThreadFactory)
class Thread {
virtual ~Thread() {};
* Starts the thread. Does platform specific thread creation and
* configuration then invokes the run method of the Runnable object bound
* to this thread.
virtual void start() = 0;
* Join this thread. Current thread blocks until this target thread
* completes.
virtual void join() = 0;
* Gets the runnable object this thread is hosting
virtual shared_ptr<Runnable> runnable() const { return _runnable; }
virtual void runnable(shared_ptr<Runnable> value) { _runnable = value; }
shared_ptr<Runnable> _runnable;
* Factory to create platform-specific thread object and bind them to Runnable
* object for execution
class ThreadFactory {
virtual ~ThreadFactory() {}
virtual shared_ptr<Thread> newThread(shared_ptr<Runnable> runnable) const = 0;
}}} // facebook::thrift::concurrency