blob: 14a9e4b339d15d26619e5a3d28e3b0a5c7f42520 [file] [log] [blame]
* Thrift scanner.
* Tokenizes a thrift definition file.
* @author Mark Slee <>
#include "main.h"
#include "parse/t_program.h"
* Must be included AFTER parse/t_program.h, but I can't remember why anymore
* because I wrote this a while ago.
#include ""
* Provides the yylineno global, useful for debugging output
%option lex-compat
* Helper definitions, comments, constants, and whatnot
intconstant ([+-]?[0-9]+)
hexconstant ("0x"[0-9A-Fa-f]+)
dubconstant ([+-]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?)
identifier ([a-zA-Z_][\.a-zA-Z_0-9]*)
whitespace ([ \t\r\n]*)
multicomm ("/*""/"*([^*/]|[^*]"/"|"*"[^/])*"*"*"*/")
comment ("//"[^\n]*)
unixcomment ("#"[^\n]*)
symbol ([:;\,\{\}\(\)\=<>\[\]])
dliteral ("\""[^"]*"\"")
sliteral ("'"[^']*"'")
{whitespace} { /* do nothing */ }
{multicomm} { /* do nothing */ }
{comment} { /* do nothing */ }
{unixcomment} { /* do nothing */ }
{symbol} { return yytext[0]; }
"namespace" { return tok_namespace; }
"cpp_namespace" { return tok_cpp_namespace; }
"cpp_include" { return tok_cpp_include; }
"cpp_type" { return tok_cpp_type; }
"java_package" { return tok_java_package; }
"include" { return tok_include; }
"void" { return tok_void; }
"bool" { return tok_bool; }
"byte" { return tok_byte; }
"i16" { return tok_i16; }
"i32" { return tok_i32; }
"i64" { return tok_i64; }
"double" { return tok_double; }
"string" { return tok_string; }
"map" { return tok_map; }
"list" { return tok_list; }
"set" { return tok_set; }
"async" { return tok_async; }
"typedef" { return tok_typedef; }
"struct" { return tok_struct; }
"exception" { return tok_xception; }
"extends" { return tok_extends; }
"throws" { return tok_throws; }
"service" { return tok_service; }
"enum" { return tok_enum; }
"const" { return tok_const; }
{intconstant} {
yylval.iconst = atoi(yytext);
return tok_int_constant;
{hexconstant} {
sscanf(yytext+2, "%x", &yylval.iconst);
return tok_int_constant;
{dubconstant} {
yylval.dconst = atof(yytext);
return tok_dub_constant;
{identifier} { = strdup(yytext);
return tok_identifier;
{dliteral} { = strdup(yytext+1);[strlen(] = '\0';
return tok_literal;
{sliteral} { = strdup(yytext+1);[strlen(] = '\0';
return tok_literal;