blob: fe448b96650e96226f467360d1315e1370960d08 [file] [log] [blame]
# erlwareSys: otp/build/beamver,v 1.1 2002/02/14 11:45:20 hal Exp $
# usage: beamver <beam_file>
# if there's a usable -vsn() attribute, print it and exit with status 0
# otherwise, print nothing and exit with status 1
# From the Erlang shell:
# 5> code:which(acca_inets).
# "/home/martin/work/otp/releases/<app>/../../acca/ebin/<app>.beam"
# 8> beam_lib:version(code:which(<app>)).
# {ok,{<app>,['$Id: beamver,v 2003/06/13 21:43:21 mlogan Exp $ ']}}
# TMPFILE looks like this:
# io:format("hello ~p~n",
# beam_lib:version("/home/hal/work/otp/acca/ebin/acca_inets.beam")]).
# exit with failure if we can't read the file
test -f "$1" || exit 1
cat > $TMPFILE <<_EOF
# beam_result is {ok,{Module_name, Beam_version} or {error,beam_lib,{Reason}}
beam_result=`erl -noshell \
-s file eval $TMPFILE \
-s erlang halt`
rm -f $TMPFILE
# sed regexes:
# remove brackets and anything outside them
# remove quotes and anything outside them
# remove apostrophes and anything outside them
# remove leading and trailing spaces
case $beam_result in
echo $beam_result | sed -e 's/.*\[\(.*\)].*/\1/' \
-e 's/.*\"\(.*\)\".*/\1/' \
-e "s/.*\'\(.*\)\'.*/\1/" \
-e 's/ *$//' -e 's/^ *//'
exit 0
exit 1