| Building the Thrift IDL compiler in Windows |
| ------------------------------------------- |
| The Visual Studio project contains pre-build commands to generate the |
| thriftl.cc, thrifty.cc and thrifty.hh files which are necessary to build |
| the compiler. These depend on bison, flex and their dependencies to |
| work properly. If this doesn't work on a system, try these manual |
| Open compiler.sln and remove the Pre-build commands under the project's |
| Properties -> Build Events -> Pre-Build Events. |
| Download flex & bison from http://jaisantonyk.wordpress.com/2008/03/16/lex-and-yaccbison-in-windows/ |
| Download bison.simple in addition to bison.exe . This build of bison is easier to use |
| than the one on sourceforge which has a myriad of dependencies. |
| Place these binaries somewhere in the path. |
| > flex -osrc\thriftl.cc src\thriftl.ll |
| In the generated thriftl.cc, comment out #include <unistd.h> |
| Place a copy of bison.simple in thrift/compiler/cpp |
| > bison -y -o "src/thrifty.cc" --defines src/thrifty.yy |
| > move src\thrifty.cc.hh src\thrifty.hh |
| Download inttypes.h from the interwebs and place it in an include path |
| location (e.g. thrift/compiler/cpp/src). |
| Build the compiler in Visual Studio. |