blob: bbabd66f2d1329fb8452602e6333f15bc4139eb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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//! Types required to send and receive bytes over an I/O channel.
//! The core type is the `TTransport` trait, through which a `TProtocol` can
//! send and receive primitives over the wire. While `TProtocol` instances deal
//! with primitive types, `TTransport` instances understand only bytes.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::io;
use std::rc::Rc;
mod buffered;
mod framed;
mod passthru;
mod socket;
pub mod mem;
pub use self::buffered::{TBufferedTransport, TBufferedTransportFactory};
pub use self::framed::{TFramedTransport, TFramedTransportFactory};
pub use self::passthru::TPassThruTransport;
pub use self::socket::TTcpTransport;
/// Identifies an I/O channel that can be used to send and receive bytes.
pub trait TTransport: io::Read + io::Write {}
impl<I: io::Read + io::Write> TTransport for I {}
/// Helper type used by servers to create `TTransport` instances for accepted
/// client connections.
pub trait TTransportFactory {
/// Create a `TTransport` that wraps an `inner` transport, thus creating
/// a transport stack.
fn create(&self, inner: Rc<RefCell<Box<TTransport>>>) -> Box<TTransport>;