blob: b5886c5e581ddf85e421163a25dc49654554abb1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
* Distributed under the Thrift Software License
* See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
* @package thrift
* @author Mark Slee <>
* Include this file if you wish to use autoload with your PHP generated Thrift
* code. The generated code will *not* include any defined Thrift classes by
* default, except for the service interfaces. The generated code will populate
* values into $GLOBALS['THRIFT_AUTOLOAD'] which can be used by the autoload
* method below. If you have your own autoload system already in place, you
* should merge the following functionality into your autoload system.
* Generate this code using the -phpa Thrift generator flag.
if (!function_exists('__autoload')) {
function __autoload($class) {
if (isset($THRIFT_AUTOLOAD[$class])) {
include_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/lib/packages/'.$THRIFT_AUTOLOAD[$class];