blob: 42128fc671e8ca0f3763f36ee7551c9f2367844b [file] [log] [blame]
set -ev
# Generate thrift files so the static code analysis includes an analysis
# of the files the thrift compiler spits out. If running interactively
# set the NOBUILD environment variable to skip the boot/config/make phase.
if [[ -z "$NOBUILD" ]]; then
./configure --enable-tutorial=no
make -j3 precross
# C/C++ static code analysis with cppcheck
# add --error-exitcode=1 to --enable=all as soon as everything is fixed
# Python code style check with flake8
# search for TODO etc within source tree
# some statistics about the code base
# some info about the build machine
# Compiler cppcheck (All)
cppcheck --force --quiet --inline-suppr --enable=all -j2 compiler/cpp/src
# C++ cppcheck (All)
cppcheck --force --quiet --inline-suppr --enable=all -j2 lib/cpp/src lib/cpp/test test/cpp tutorial/cpp
# C Glib cppcheck (All)
cppcheck --force --quiet --inline-suppr --enable=all -j2 lib/c_glib/src lib/c_glib/test test/c_glib/src tutorial/c_glib
# Silent error checks
# See THRIFT-4371 : flex generated code triggers "possible null pointer dereference" in yy_init_buffer
cppcheck --force --quiet --inline-suppr --suppress="*:thrift/" --error-exitcode=1 -j2 compiler/cpp/src
cppcheck --force --quiet --inline-suppr --error-exitcode=1 -j2 lib/cpp/src lib/cpp/test test/cpp tutorial/cpp
cppcheck --force --quiet --inline-suppr --error-exitcode=1 -j2 lib/c_glib/src lib/c_glib/test test/c_glib/src tutorial/c_glib
# Python code style
# PHP code style
composer install --quiet
# TODO etc
echo FIXMEs: `grep -r FIXME * | wc -l`
echo HACKs: `grep -r HACK * | wc -l`
echo TODOs: `grep -r TODO * | wc -l`
# LoC
sloccount .
# System Info
dpkg -l
uname -a