| require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' |
| require 'thrift/protocol/binaryprotocol' |
| require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/binaryprotocol_spec_shared' |
| class ThriftBinaryProtocolSpec < Spec::ExampleGroup |
| describe BinaryProtocol do |
| it_should_behave_like 'a binary protocol' |
| it "should read a message header" do |
| @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(protocol_class.const_get(:VERSION_1) | Thrift::MessageTypes::REPLY, 42) |
| @prot.should_receive(:read_string).and_return('testMessage') |
| @prot.read_message_begin.should == ['testMessage', Thrift::MessageTypes::REPLY, 42] |
| it "should raise an exception if the message header has the wrong version" do |
| @prot.should_receive(:read_i32).and_return(42) |
| lambda { @prot.read_message_begin }.should raise_error(Thrift::ProtocolException, 'Missing version identifier') do |e| |
| e.type == Thrift::ProtocolException::BAD_VERSION |
| describe BinaryProtocolFactory do |
| it "should create a BinaryProtocol" do |
| BinaryProtocolFactory.new.get_protocol(mock("MockTransport")).should be_instance_of(BinaryProtocol) |