blob: 83f0ddd13e7cd389dd267dc113f42994446b8639 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* under the License.
extension String {
static let multiplexSeparator = ":"
`TMultiplexedProtocol` is a protocol-independent concrete decorator
that allows a Thrift client to communicate with a multiplexing Thrift server,
by prepending the service name to the function name during function calls.
- Note: THIS IS NOT USED BY SERVERS. On the server, use `TMultiplexedProcessor` to handle request
from a multiplexing client.
public class TMultiplexedProtocol<Protocol: TProtocol>: TWrappedProtocol<Protocol> {
public var serviceName = ""
public convenience init(on transport: TTransport, serviceName: String) {
self.init(on: transport)
self.serviceName = serviceName
override public func writeMessageBegin(name: String,
type messageType: TMessageType,
sequenceID: Int32) throws {
switch messageType {
case .call, .oneway:
var serviceFunction = serviceName
serviceFunction += serviceName == "" ? "" : .multiplexSeparator
serviceFunction += name
return try super.writeMessageBegin(name: serviceFunction,
type: messageType,
sequenceID: sequenceID)
return try super.writeMessageBegin(name: name,
type: messageType,
sequenceID: sequenceID)