blob: 3fe7c6341912628d379cef0e4d3865d789382d3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
// Distributed under the Thrift Software License
// See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <protocol/TProtocol.h>
* Local Reflection is a blanket term referring to the the structure
* and generation of this particular representation of Thrift types.
* (It is called local because it cannot be serialized by Thrift).
* @author David Reiss <>
namespace facebook { namespace thrift { namespace reflection { namespace local {
using facebook::thrift::protocol::TType;
// We include this many bytes of the structure's fingerprint when serializing
// a top-level structure. Long enough to make collisions unlikely, short
// enough to not significantly affect the amount of memory used.
const int FP_PREFIX_LEN = 4;
struct FieldMeta {
int16_t tag;
bool is_optional;
struct TypeSpec {
TType ttype;
uint8_t fp_prefix[FP_PREFIX_LEN];
// Use an anonymous union here so we can fit two TypeSpecs in one cache line.
union {
struct {
// Use parallel arrays here for denser packing (of the arrays).
FieldMeta* metas;
TypeSpec** specs;
} tstruct;
struct {
TypeSpec *subtype1;
TypeSpec *subtype2;
} tcontainer;
// Static initialization of unions isn't really possible,
// so take the plunge and use constructors.
// Hopefully they'll be evaluated at compile time.
TypeSpec(TType ttype) : ttype(ttype) {
std::memset(fp_prefix, 0, FP_PREFIX_LEN);
TypeSpec(TType ttype,
uint8_t* fingerprint,
FieldMeta* metas,
TypeSpec** specs) :
std::memcpy(fp_prefix, fingerprint, FP_PREFIX_LEN);
tstruct.metas = metas;
tstruct.specs = specs;
TypeSpec(TType ttype, TypeSpec* subtype1, TypeSpec* subtype2) :
std::memset(fp_prefix, 0, FP_PREFIX_LEN);
tcontainer.subtype1 = subtype1;
tcontainer.subtype2 = subtype2;
}}}} // facebook::thrift::reflection::local