blob: c02f1ebacb4a049e55a39544ab1bd2d1334e1e80 [file] [log] [blame]
open Thrift
module T = Transport
class t host port=
object (self)
inherit T.t
val mutable chans = None
method isOpen = chans != None
method opn =
chans <- Some(Unix.open_connection (Unix.ADDR_INET ((Unix.inet_addr_of_string host),port)))
with _ ->
("Could not connect to "^host^":"^(string_of_int port))
method close = match chans with None -> () | Some(inc,_) -> (Unix.shutdown_connection inc; chans <- None)
method read buf off len = match chans with
None -> T.raise_TTransportExn "Socket not open" T.NOT_OPEN
| Some(i,o) ->
really_input i buf off len; len
with _ -> T.raise_TTransportExn ("TSocket: Could not read "^(string_of_int len)^" from "^host^":"^(string_of_int port)) T.UNKNOWN
method write buf off len = match chans with
None -> T.raise_TTransportExn "Socket not open" T.NOT_OPEN
| Some(i,o) -> output o buf off len
method flush = match chans with
None -> T.raise_TTransportExn "Socket not open" T.NOT_OPEN
| Some(i,o) -> flush o