blob: 2557af461e129360f6965b832d9d1f5be8dcd435 [file] [log] [blame]
Thrift Java Software Library
Author: Mark Slee (
Last Modified: 2007-Mar-05
Thrift is distributed under the Thrift open source software license.
Please see the included LICENSE file.
Using Thrift with Java
The Thrift Java source is not build using the GNU tools, but rather uses
the Apache Ant build system, which tends to be predominant amongst Java
To compile the Java Thrift libraries, simply do the following:
Yep, that's easy. Look for libthrift.jar in the base directory.
To include Thrift in your applications simply add libthrift.jar to your
classpath, or install if in your default system classpath of choice.
Apache Ant