blob: bdd2ef18d1c05d4f342970ce5600736943d2ed97 [file] [log] [blame]
Thrift Python Software Library
Author: Mark Slee (
Last Modified: 2007-Mar-05
Thrift is distributed under the Thrift open source software license.
Please see the included LICENSE file.
Using Thrift with Python
Thrift is provided as a set of Python packages. The top level package is
thrift, and there are subpackages for the protocol, transport, and server
code. Each package contains modules using standard Thrift naming conventions
(i.e. TProtocol, TTransport) and implementations in corresponding modules
(i.e. TSocket).
The Python libraries can be installed manually using the provided
file, or automatically using the install hook provided via autoconf/automake.
To use the latter, become superuser and do make install.