open Thrift | |
class t port = | |
object | |
inherit Transport.server_t | |
val mutable sock = None | |
method listen = | |
let s = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in | |
sock <- Some s; | |
Unix.bind s (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, port)); | |
Unix.listen s 256 | |
method close = | |
match sock with | |
Some s -> Unix.shutdown s Unix.SHUTDOWN_ALL; Unix.close s; | |
sock <- None | |
| _ -> () | |
method acceptImpl = | |
match sock with | |
Some s -> let (fd,_) = Unix.accept s in | |
new TChannelTransport.t (Unix.in_channel_of_descr fd,Unix.out_channel_of_descr fd) | |
| _ -> raise (Transport.E (Transport.NOT_OPEN,"TServerSocket: Not listening but tried to accept")) | |
end |