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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* Contains some contributions under the Thrift Software License.
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* details.
namespace java thrift.test
namespace cpp thrift.test
namespace rb Thrift.Test
namespace perl ThriftTest
namespace csharp Thrift.Test
namespace js ThriftTest
namespace st ThriftTest
namespace * thrift.test
* Docstring!
enum Numberz
ONE = 1,
FIVE = 5,
typedef i64 UserId
struct Bonk
1: string message,
2: i32 type
struct Bools {
1: bool im_true,
2: bool im_false,
struct Xtruct
1: string string_thing,
4: byte byte_thing,
9: i32 i32_thing,
11: i64 i64_thing
struct Xtruct2
1: byte byte_thing,
2: Xtruct struct_thing,
3: i32 i32_thing
struct Xtruct3
1: string string_thing,
4: i32 changed,
9: i32 i32_thing,
11: i64 i64_thing
struct Insanity
1: map<Numberz, UserId> userMap,
2: list<Xtruct> xtructs
struct CrazyNesting {
1: string string_field,
2: optional set<Insanity> set_field,
3: required list< map<set<i32>,map<i32,set<list<map<Insanity,string>>>>>> list_field
exception Xception {
1: i32 errorCode,
2: string message
exception Xception2 {
1: i32 errorCode,
2: Xtruct struct_thing
struct EmptyStruct {}
struct OneField {
1: EmptyStruct field
service ThriftTest
void testVoid(),
string testString(1: string thing),
byte testByte(1: byte thing),
i32 testI32(1: i32 thing),
i64 testI64(1: i64 thing),
double testDouble(1: double thing),
Xtruct testStruct(1: Xtruct thing),
Xtruct2 testNest(1: Xtruct2 thing),
map<i32,i32> testMap(1: map<i32,i32> thing),
set<i32> testSet(1: set<i32> thing),
list<i32> testList(1: list<i32> thing),
Numberz testEnum(1: Numberz thing),
UserId testTypedef(1: UserId thing),
map<i32,map<i32,i32>> testMapMap(1: i32 hello),
/* So you think you've got this all worked, out eh? */
map<UserId, map<Numberz,Insanity>> testInsanity(1: Insanity argument),
/* Multiple parameters */
Xtruct testMulti(1: byte arg0, 2: i32 arg1, 3: i64 arg2, 4: map<i16, string> arg3, 5: Numberz arg4, 6: UserId arg5),
/* Exception specifier */
void testException(1: string arg) throws(1: Xception err1),
/* Multiple exceptions specifier */
Xtruct testMultiException(1: string arg0, 2: string arg1) throws(1: Xception err1, 2: Xception2 err2)
/* Test oneway void */
oneway void testOneway(1:i32 secondsToSleep)
service SecondService
void blahBlah()
struct VersioningTestV1 {
1: i32 begin_in_both,
3: string old_string,
12: i32 end_in_both
struct VersioningTestV2 {
1: i32 begin_in_both,
2: i32 newint,
3: byte newbyte,
4: i16 newshort,
5: i64 newlong,
6: double newdouble
7: Bonk newstruct,
8: list<i32> newlist,
9: set<i32> newset,
10: map<i32, i32> newmap,
11: string newstring,
12: i32 end_in_both
struct ListTypeVersioningV1 {
1: list<i32> myints;
2: string hello;
struct ListTypeVersioningV2 {
1: list<string> strings;
2: string hello;