blob: 1bb2e49bcca4ac3dff9cbbf5014d63694622fe01 [file] [log] [blame]
/** Inherits from Socket */
include_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/transport/TSocket.php';
* This library makes use of APC cache to make hosts as down in a web
* environment. If you are running from the CLI or on a system without APC
* installed, then these null functions will step in and act like cache
* misses.
if (!function_exists('apc_fetch')) {
function apc_fetch($key) { return FALSE; }
function apc_store($key, $var, $ttl=0) { return FALSE; }
* Sockets implementation of the TTransport interface that allows connection
* to a pool of servers.
* @package thrift.transport
* @author Mark Slee <>
class TSocketPool extends TSocket {
* Remote hostname
* @var array
private $hosts_ = array('localhost');
* Remote ports
* @var array
private $ports_ = array('9090');
* How many times to retry each host in connect
* @var int
private $numRetries_ = 1;
* Retry interval in seconds, how long to not try a host if it has been
* marked as down.
* @var int
private $retryInterval_ = 60;
* Max consecutive failures before marking a host down.
* @var int
private $maxConsecutiveFailures_ = 1;
* Try hosts in order? or Randomized?
* @var bool
private $randomize_ = TRUE;
* Always try last host, even if marked down?
* @var bool
private $alwaysTryLast_ = TRUE;
* Socket pool constructor
* @param array $hosts List of remote hostnames
* @param mixed $ports Array of remote ports, or a single common port
* @param bool $persist Whether to use a persistent socket
public function __construct($hosts=array('localhost'),
$persist=FALSE) {
parent::__construct(null, 0, $persist);
$this->hosts_ = $hosts;
// Ports may be an array or a single port
if (is_array($ports)) {
$this->ports_ = $ports;
} else {
$this->ports_ = array();
$num = count($hosts);
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; ++$i) {
$this->ports_ []= $ports;
* Sets how many time to keep retrying a host in the connect function.
* @param int $numRetries
public function setNumRetries($numRetries) {
$this->numRetries_ = $numRetries;
* Sets how long to wait until retrying a host if it was marked down
* @param int $numRetries
public function setRetryInterval($retryInterval) {
$this->retryInterval_ = $retryInterval;
* Sets how many time to keep retrying a host before marking it as down.
* @param int $numRetries
public function setMaxConsecutiveFailures($maxConsecutiveFailures) {
$this->maxConsecutiveFailures_ = $maxConsecutiveFailures;
* Turns randomization in connect order on or off.
* @param bool $randomize
public function setRandomize($randomize) {
$this->randomize_ = $randomize;
* Whether to always try the last server.
* @param bool $alwaysTryLast
public function setAlwaysTryLast($alwaysTryLast) {
$this->alwaysTryLast_ = $alwaysTryLast;
* Connects the socket by iterating through all the servers in the pool
* and trying to find one that works.
public function open() {
$numServers = count($this->hosts_);
// Check if a random server from the pool should be hit
if ($this->randomize_) {
$startingPoint = mt_rand(0, $numServers-1);
} else {
$startingPoint = 0;
$i = $startingPoint;
do {
$host = $this->hosts_[$i];
$port = $this->ports_[$i];
// Check APC cache for a record of this server being down
$failtimeKey = 'thrift_failtime:'.$host_.':'.$port.'~';
// Cache miss? Assume it's OK
$lastFailtime = apc_fetch($failtimeKey);
if ($lastFailtime === FALSE) {
$lastFailtime = 0;
$retryIntervalPassed = FALSE;
// Cache hit...make sure enough the retry interval has elapsed
if ($lastFailtime > 0) {
$elapsed = time() - $lastFailtime;
if ($elapsed > $retryInterval) {
$retryIntervalPassed = TRUE;
if ($this->debug_) {
error_log('TSocketPool: retryInterval '.
'('.$this->retryInterval_.') '.
'has passed for host '.$host.':'.$port);
// Only connect if not in the middle of a fail interval, OR if this
// is the LAST server we are trying, just hammer away on it
$isLastServer = FALSE;
if ($alwaysTryLast) {
$isLastServer =
( (($i+1) % $numServers) == $startingPoint ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if (($lastFailtime === 0) ||
($isLastServer) ||
($lastFailtime > 0 && $retryIntervalPassed)) {
// Set underlying TSocket params to this one
$this->host_ = $host;
$this->port_ = $port;
for ($attempt = 0; $attempt < $this->numRetries_; $attempt++) {
try {
// Only clear the failure counts if required to do so
if ($lastFailtime > 0) {
apc_store($failtimeKey, 0);
// Successful connection, return now
} catch (Exception $x) {
// Connection failed
// Mark failure of this host in the cache
$consecfailsKey = 'thrift_consecfails:'.$host.':'.$port.'~';
// Ignore cache misses
$consecfails = apc_fetch($consecfailsKey);
if ($consecfails === FALSE) {
$consecfails = 0;
// Increment by one
// Log and cache this failure
if ($consecfails >= $this->maxConsecutiveFailures_) {
if ($this->debug_) {
error_log('TSocketPool: marking '.$host.':'.$port.
' as down for '.$this->retryInterval.' seconds '.
'after '.$consecfails.' failed connect attempts.');
// Store the failure time
apc_store($failtimeKey, time());
// Clear the count of consecutive failures
apc_store($consecfailsKey, 0);
} else {
apc_store($consecfailsKey, $consecfails);
$i = ($i + 1) % $numServers;
} while ($i != $startingPoint);
// Holy shit we failed them all. The system is totally ill!
$error = 'TSocketPool: All hosts in pool are down. ';
$hostlist = implode(',', $this->hosts_);
$error .= '('.$hostlist.':'.$this->port_.')';
if ($this->debug_) {
throw new Exception($error);