| /** |
| * Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook |
| * Distributed under the Thrift Software License |
| * |
| * See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at: |
| * http://developers.facebook.com/thrift/ |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * Thrift scanner. |
| * |
| * Tokenizes a thrift definition file. |
| * @author Mark Slee <mcslee@facebook.com> |
| */ |
| |
| %{ |
| |
| #include "main.h" |
| #include "globals.h" |
| #include "parse/t_program.h" |
| |
| /** |
| * Must be included AFTER parse/t_program.h, but I can't remember why anymore |
| * because I wrote this a while ago. |
| */ |
| #include "thrifty.h" |
| |
| void thrift_reserved_keyword(char* keyword) { |
| yyerror("Cannot use reserved language keyword: \"%s\"\n", keyword); |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| |
| %} |
| |
| /** |
| * Provides the yylineno global, useful for debugging output |
| */ |
| %option lex-compat |
| |
| /** |
| * Helper definitions, comments, constants, and whatnot |
| */ |
| |
| intconstant ([+-]?[0-9]+) |
| hexconstant ("0x"[0-9A-Fa-f]+) |
| dubconstant ([+-]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?) |
| identifier ([a-zA-Z_][\.a-zA-Z_0-9]*) |
| whitespace ([ \t\r\n]*) |
| sillycomm ("/*""*"*"*/") |
| multicomm ("/*"[^*]"/"*([^*/]|[^*]"/"|"*"[^/])*"*"*"*/") |
| doctext ("/**"([^*/]|[^*]"/"|"*"[^/])*"*"*"*/") |
| comment ("//"[^\n]*) |
| unixcomment ("#"[^\n]*) |
| symbol ([:;\,\{\}\(\)\=<>\[\]]) |
| dliteral ("\""[^"]*"\"") |
| sliteral ("'"[^']*"'") |
| st_identifier ([a-zA-Z-][\.a-zA-Z_0-9-]*) |
| |
| |
| %% |
| |
| {whitespace} { /* do nothing */ } |
| {sillycomm} { /* do nothing */ } |
| {multicomm} { /* do nothing */ } |
| {comment} { /* do nothing */ } |
| {unixcomment} { /* do nothing */ } |
| |
| {symbol} { return yytext[0]; } |
| |
| "namespace" { return tok_namespace; } |
| "cpp_namespace" { return tok_cpp_namespace; } |
| "cpp_include" { return tok_cpp_include; } |
| "cpp_type" { return tok_cpp_type; } |
| "java_package" { return tok_java_package; } |
| "cocoa_prefix" { return tok_cocoa_prefix; } |
| "php_namespace" { return tok_php_namespace; } |
| "py_module" { return tok_py_module; } |
| "perl_package" { return tok_perl_package; } |
| "ruby_namespace" { return tok_ruby_namespace; } |
| "smalltalk_category" { return tok_smalltalk_category; } |
| "smalltalk_prefix" { return tok_smalltalk_prefix; } |
| "xsd_all" { return tok_xsd_all; } |
| "xsd_optional" { return tok_xsd_optional; } |
| "xsd_nillable" { return tok_xsd_nillable; } |
| "xsd_namespace" { return tok_xsd_namespace; } |
| "xsd_attrs" { return tok_xsd_attrs; } |
| "include" { return tok_include; } |
| "void" { return tok_void; } |
| "bool" { return tok_bool; } |
| "byte" { return tok_byte; } |
| "i16" { return tok_i16; } |
| "i32" { return tok_i32; } |
| "i64" { return tok_i64; } |
| "double" { return tok_double; } |
| "string" { return tok_string; } |
| "binary" { return tok_binary; } |
| "slist" { return tok_slist; } |
| "senum" { return tok_senum; } |
| "map" { return tok_map; } |
| "list" { return tok_list; } |
| "set" { return tok_set; } |
| "async" { return tok_async; } |
| "typedef" { return tok_typedef; } |
| "struct" { return tok_struct; } |
| "exception" { return tok_xception; } |
| "extends" { return tok_extends; } |
| "throws" { return tok_throws; } |
| "service" { return tok_service; } |
| "enum" { return tok_enum; } |
| "const" { return tok_const; } |
| "required" { return tok_required; } |
| "optional" { return tok_optional; } |
| |
| |
| "abstract" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "and" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "as" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "assert" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "break" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "case" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "class" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "continue" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "declare" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "def" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "default" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "del" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "delete" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "do" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "elif" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "else" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "elseif" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "except" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "exec" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "false" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "final" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "finally" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "float" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "for" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "foreach" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "function" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "global" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "goto" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "if" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "implements" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "import" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "in" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "inline" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "instanceof" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "interface" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "is" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "lambda" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "native" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "new" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "not" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "or" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "pass" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "public" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "print" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "private" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "protected" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "raise" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "return" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "sizeof" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "static" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "switch" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "synchronized" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "this" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "throw" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "transient" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "true" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "try" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "unsigned" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "var" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "virtual" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "volatile" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "while" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "with" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "union" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| "yield" { thrift_reserved_keyword(yytext); } |
| |
| {intconstant} { |
| yylval.iconst = atoi(yytext); |
| return tok_int_constant; |
| } |
| |
| {hexconstant} { |
| sscanf(yytext+2, "%x", &yylval.iconst); |
| return tok_int_constant; |
| } |
| |
| {dubconstant} { |
| yylval.dconst = atof(yytext); |
| return tok_dub_constant; |
| } |
| |
| {identifier} { |
| yylval.id = strdup(yytext); |
| return tok_identifier; |
| } |
| |
| {st_identifier} { |
| yylval.id = strdup(yytext); |
| return tok_st_identifier; |
| } |
| |
| {dliteral} { |
| yylval.id = strdup(yytext+1); |
| yylval.id[strlen(yylval.id)-1] = '\0'; |
| return tok_literal; |
| } |
| |
| {sliteral} { |
| yylval.id = strdup(yytext+1); |
| yylval.id[strlen(yylval.id)-1] = '\0'; |
| return tok_literal; |
| } |
| |
| {doctext} { |
| /* This does not show up in the parse tree. */ |
| /* Rather, the parser will grab it out of the global. */ |
| if (g_parse_mode == PROGRAM) { |
| clear_doctext(); |
| g_doctext = strdup(yytext + 3); |
| g_doctext[strlen(g_doctext) - 2] = '\0'; |
| g_doctext = clean_up_doctext(g_doctext); |
| g_doctext_lineno = yylineno; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| %% |