blob: 29393db31536caa0d5cdeb072292990aa21cf65e [file] [log] [blame]
-- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-- or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-- distributed with this work for additional information
-- regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-- to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-- "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-- with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-- software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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-- under the License.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL
import qualified Data.Maybe
import qualified Network
import Thrift.Protocol.Binary
import Thrift.Server
import Thrift.Transport.Handle
import qualified ThriftTestUtils
import qualified DebugProtoTest_Types as Types
import qualified Inherited
import qualified Inherited_Client as IClient
import qualified Inherited_Iface as IIface
import qualified Srv_Client as SClient
import qualified Srv_Iface as SIface
-- we don't actually need this import, but force it to check the code generator exports proper Haskell syntax
import qualified Srv()
data InheritedHandler = InheritedHandler
instance SIface.Srv_Iface InheritedHandler where
janky _ arg = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ "Got janky method call: " ++ show arg
return $ 31
voidMethod _ = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog "Got voidMethod method call"
return ()
primitiveMethod _ = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog "Got primitiveMethod call"
return $ 42
structMethod _ = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog "Got structMethod call"
return $ Types.CompactProtoTestStruct {
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_byte = Just 0x01,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_i16 = Just 0x02,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_i32 = Just 0x03,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_i64 = Just 0x04,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_double = Just 0.1,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_string = Just "abcdef",
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_a_binary = Just DBL.empty,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_true_field = Just True,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_false_field = Just False,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_empty_struct_field = Just Types.Empty,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_list = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i16_list = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i32_list = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i64_list = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_double_list = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_string_list = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_binary_list = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_boolean_list = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_struct_list = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_set = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i16_set = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i32_set = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i64_set = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_double_set = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_string_set = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_binary_set = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_boolean_set = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_struct_set = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i16_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i32_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_i64_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_double_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_string_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_binary_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_boolean_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_i16_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_i32_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_i64_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_double_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_string_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_binary_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_boolean_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_list_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_set_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_map_byte_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_map_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_set_map = Nothing,
Types.f_CompactProtoTestStruct_byte_list_map = Nothing }
methodWithDefaultArgs _ arg = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ "Got methodWithDefaultArgs: " ++ show arg
return ()
onewayMethod _ = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog "Got onewayMethod"
instance IIface.Inherited_Iface InheritedHandler where
identity _ arg = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog $ "Got identity method: " ++ show arg
return $ Data.Maybe.fromJust arg
client :: (String, Network.PortID) -> IO ()
client addr = do
to <- hOpen addr
let p = BinaryProtocol to
let ps = (p,p)
v1 <- SClient.janky ps 42
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v1
SClient.voidMethod ps
v2 <- SClient.primitiveMethod ps
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v2
v3 <- SClient.structMethod ps
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v3
SClient.methodWithDefaultArgs ps 42
SClient.onewayMethod ps
v4 <- IClient.identity ps 42
ThriftTestUtils.clientLog $ show v4
return ()
server :: Network.PortNumber -> IO ()
server port = do
ThriftTestUtils.serverLog "Ready..."
(runBasicServer InheritedHandler Inherited.process port)
(\(TransportExn s _) -> error $ "FAILURE: " ++ show s)
main :: IO ()
main = ThriftTestUtils.runTest server client