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`TMultiplexedProcessor` is a `TProcessor` allowing
a single `TServer` to provide multiple services.
To do so, you instantiate the processor and then register additional
processors with it, as shown in the following example:
let processor = MultiplexedProcessor()
processor.register(CalculatorProcessor(service: CalculatorService()), for: "Calculator")
processor.register(WeatherProcessor(service: CalculatorService()), for: "Weather")
let server = TPerfectServer(port: 9090, processor: processor, TCompactProtocol.self, TCompactProtocol.self)
try server.start()
public class MultiplexedProcessor: TProcessor {
enum Error: Swift.Error {
case incompatibleMessageType(TMessageType)
case missingProcessor(String)
case missingDefaultProcessor
private var processors = [String: TProcessor]()
private var defaultProcessor: TProcessor?
public init(defaultProcessor: TProcessor? = nil) {
self.defaultProcessor = defaultProcessor
public func register(defaultProcessor processor: TProcessor) {
defaultProcessor = processor
public func register(processor: TProcessor, for service: String) {
processors[service] = processor
public func process(on inProtocol: TProtocol, outProtocol: TProtocol) throws {
let message = try inProtocol.readMessageBegin()
guard message.1 != .call && message.1 != .oneway else { throw Error.incompatibleMessageType(message.1) }
if let separatorIndex = message.0.firstIndex(of: Character(.multiplexSeparator)) {
let serviceName = String(message.0.prefix(upTo: separatorIndex))
let messageName = String(message.0.suffix(from: message.0.index(after: separatorIndex)))
guard let processor = processors[serviceName] else { throw Error.missingProcessor(serviceName)}
let storedMessage = StoredMessage(message: (messageName, message.1, message.2), proto: inProtocol)
try processor.process(on: storedMessage, outProtocol: outProtocol)
} else {
guard let processor = defaultProcessor else { throw Error.missingDefaultProcessor }
try processor.process(on: inProtocol, outProtocol: outProtocol)
private final class StoredMessage: TProtocolDecorator {
private let message: (String, TMessageType, Int32)
init(message: (String, TMessageType, Int32), proto: TProtocol) {
self.message = message
super.init(proto: proto)
required init(on transport: TTransport) {
fatalError("init(on:) has not been implemented")
override func readMessageBegin() throws -> (String, TMessageType, Int32) {