| namespace cpp thrift.test |
| namespace java thrift.test |
| |
| struct Doubles { |
| 1: double nan, |
| 2: double inf, |
| 3: double neginf, |
| 4: double repeating, |
| 5: double big, |
| 6: double small, |
| 7: double zero, |
| 8: double negzero, |
| } |
| |
| struct OneOfEach { |
| 1: bool im_true, |
| 2: bool im_false, |
| 3: byte a_bite, |
| 4: i16 integer16, |
| 5: i32 integer32, |
| 6: i64 integer64, |
| 7: double double_precision, |
| 8: string some_characters, |
| 9: string zomg_unicode, |
| 10: bool what_who, |
| 11: binary base64, |
| } |
| |
| struct Bonk { |
| 1: i32 type, |
| 2: string message, |
| } |
| |
| struct Nesting { |
| 1: Bonk my_bonk, |
| 2: OneOfEach my_ooe, |
| } |
| |
| struct HolyMoley { |
| 1: list<OneOfEach> big, |
| 2: set<list<string>> contain, |
| 3: map<string,list<Bonk>> bonks, |
| } |
| |
| struct Backwards { |
| 2: i32 first_tag2, |
| 1: i32 second_tag1, |
| } |
| |
| struct Empty { |
| } |
| |
| struct Wrapper { |
| 1: Empty foo |
| } |
| |
| struct RandomStuff { |
| 1: i32 a, |
| 2: i32 b, |
| 3: i32 c, |
| 4: i32 d, |
| 5: list<i32> myintlist, |
| 6: map<i32,Wrapper> maps, |
| 7: i64 bigint, |
| 8: double triple, |
| } |
| |
| service Srv { |
| i32 Janky(i32 arg) |
| } |
| |
| service PartiallyReflectable { |
| map<i32,map<i32,i32>> returnNotReflectable(1: i32 hello), |
| void argNotReflectable(1: list<set<i32>> arg), |
| void arg2NotReflectable(1: i32 arg1, 2: list<set<i32>> argNotReflectable), |
| void withMap(1: map<i32, string> amap), |
| |
| OneOfEach refl1(1: list<Bonk> arg1), |
| OneOfEach refl2(2: list<string> arg1, 1: Bonk arg2); |
| } |
| |
| // The only purpose of this thing is to increase the size of the generated code |
| // so that ZlibTest has more highly compressible data to play with. |
| struct BlowUp { |
| 1: map<list<i32>,set<map<i32,string>>> b1; |
| 2: map<list<i32>,set<map<i32,string>>> b2; |
| 3: map<list<i32>,set<map<i32,string>>> b3; |
| 4: map<list<i32>,set<map<i32,string>>> b4; |
| } |