blob: b182139b8ed1d9b638c6710faa47740960db385f [file] [log] [blame]
package com.facebook.thrift.protocol;
import com.facebook.thrift.types.*;
import com.facebook.thrift.TException;
import com.facebook.thrift.transport.TTransport;
* Utility class with static methods for interacting with protocol data
* streams.
* @author Mark Slee <>
public class TProtocolUtil {
public static int skip(TProtocol prot, TTransport in, TType type)
throws TException {
switch (type) {
case BYTE:
UInt8 b = new UInt8();
return prot.readByte(in, b);
case U32:
UInt32 u32 = new UInt32();
return prot.readU32(in, u32);
case I32:
Int32 i32 = new Int32();
return prot.readI32(in, i32);
case U64:
UInt64 u64 = new UInt64();
return prot.readU64(in, u64);
case I64:
Int64 i64 = new Int64();
return prot.readI64(in, i64);
case STRING:
TString s = new TString();
return prot.readString(in, s);
case STRUCT:
int result = 0;
TString name = new TString();
TStruct struct = new TStruct();
TField field = new TField();
result += prot.readStructBegin(in, struct);
while (true) {
result += prot.readFieldBegin(in, field);
if (field.type.equals(TType.STOP)) {
result += skip(prot, in, field.type);
result += prot.readFieldEnd(in);
result += prot.readStructEnd(in);
return result;
case MAP:
int result = 0;
TMap map = new TMap();
result += prot.readMapBegin(in, map);
for (int i = 0; i < map.size.get(); i++) {
result += skip(prot, in, map.keyType);
result += skip(prot, in, map.valueType);
result += prot.readMapEnd(in);
return result;
case SET:
int result = 0;
TSet set = new TSet();
result += prot.readSetBegin(in, set);
for (int i = 0; i < set.size.get(); i++) {
result += skip(prot, in, set.elemType);
result += prot.readSetEnd(in);
return result;
case LIST:
int result = 0;
TList list = new TList();
result += prot.readListBegin(in, list);
for (int i = 0; i < list.size.get(); i++) {
result += skip(prot, in, list.elemType);
result += prot.readListEnd(in);
return result;
return 0;