blob: 596471d460df1e45ed88f77f8dfcdc7a8c55145f [file] [log] [blame]
#if !defined(_concurrency_ThreadManager_h_)
#define _concurrency_ThreadManager_h_ 1
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "Thread.h"
namespace facebook { namespace thrift { namespace concurrency {
/** Thread Pool Manager and related classes
@author marc
@version $Id:$ */
class ThreadManager;
/** ThreadManager class
This class manages a pool of threads. It uses a ThreadFactory to create threads. It never actually creates or destroys worker threads, rather
it maintains statistics on number of idle threads, number of active threads, task backlog, and average wait and service times and informs the
PoolPolicy object bound to instances of this manager of interesting transitions. It is then up the PoolPolicy object to decide if the thread pool
size needs to be adjusted and call this object addWorker and removeWorker methods to make changes.
This design allows different policy implementations to used this code to handle basic worker thread management and worker task execution and focus on
policy issues. The simplest policy, StaticPolicy, does nothing other than create a fixed number of threads. */
class ThreadManager {
ThreadManager() {}
virtual ~ThreadManager() {}
virtual const ThreadFactory* threadFactory() const = 0;
virtual void threadFactory(const ThreadFactory* value) = 0;
virtual void addWorker(size_t value=1) = 0;
virtual void removeWorker(size_t value=1) = 0;
/** Gets the current number of idle worker threads */
virtual size_t idleWorkerCount() const = 0;
/** Gets the current number of total worker threads */
virtual size_t workerCount() const = 0;
/** Gets the current number of pending tasks */
virtual size_t pendingTaskCount() const = 0;
/** Gets the current number of pending and executing tasks */
virtual size_t totalTaskCount() const = 0;
/** Adds a task to be execued at some time in the future by a worker thread. */
virtual void add(Runnable* value) = 0;
/** Removes a pending task */
virtual void remove(Runnable* task) = 0;
static ThreadManager* newThreadManager();
/** Creates a simple thread manager the uses count number of worker threads */
static ThreadManager* newSimpleThreadManager(size_t count=4);
class Task;
class Worker;
class Impl;
}}} // facebook::thrift::concurrency
#endif // !defined(_concurrency_ThreadManager_h_)