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// Testcase for THRIFT-5253 using Result in result name generates wrong IAsync interface
namespace * Thrift5253
// this works
struct WorksArrrgs { 1: i32 foo }
struct WorksRslt { 1: i32 foo }
// this does not
struct BrokenResult{ 1: i32 foo }
struct BrokenArgs { 1: i32 foo }
struct InternalStructs { 1: optional i32 foo }
struct AsyncProcessor { 1: optional i32 foo }
struct Client { 1: optional i32 foo }
struct IAsync { 1: optional i32 foo }
struct ReservedMemberName { 1: optional i32 Isset }
service MyService{
BrokenResult Broken( 1 : BrokenArgs foo)
WorksRslt Works( 1 : WorksArrrgs foo)
InternalStructs InternalStructs( 1: InternalStructs foo)
AsyncProcessor AsyncProcessor ( 1: AsyncProcessor foo)
Client Client ( 1: Client foo)
IAsync IAsync ( 1: IAsync foo)
// inconsistent treatment of methods ending in "Async"
void TestXsync()
void TestAsync()