blob: dc10e50f5258a65da188fc953ccf6262ebb2dc21 [file] [log] [blame]
* fb303.thrift
* Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
* Distributed under the Thrift Software License
* See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
* Definition of common Facebook data types and status reporting mechanisms
* common to all Facebook services. In some cases, these methods are
* provided in the base implementation, and in other cases they simply define
* methods that inheriting applications should implement (i.e. status report)
* @author Mark Slee <>
namespace java com.facebook.fb303
namespace cpp facebook.fb303
* Common status reporting mechanism across all services
enum fb_status {
DEAD = 0,
ALIVE = 2,
* Standard base service
service FacebookService {
* Returns a descriptive name of the service
string getName(),
* Returns the version of the service
string getVersion(),
* Gets the status of this service
fb_status getStatus(),
* User friendly description of status, such as why the service is in
* the dead or warning state, or what is being started or stopped.
string getStatusDetails(),
* Gets the counters for this service
map<string, i64> getCounters(),
* Gets the value of a single counter
i64 getCounter(1: string key),
* Sets an option
void setOption(1: string key, 2: string value),
* Gets an option
string getOption(1: string key),
* Gets all options
map<string, string> getOptions(),
* Returns a CPU profile over the given time interval (client and server
* must agree on the profile format).
string getCpuProfile(1: i32 profileDurationInSec),
* Returns the unix time that the server has been running since
i64 aliveSince(),
* Tell the server to reload its configuration, reopen log files, etc
async void reinitialize(),
* Suggest a shutdown to the server
async void shutdown(),