| require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' |
| |
| shared_examples_for "a socket" do |
| it "should open a socket" do |
| @socket.open.should == @handle |
| end |
| |
| it "should be open whenever it has a handle" do |
| @socket.should_not be_open |
| @socket.open |
| @socket.should be_open |
| @socket.handle = nil |
| @socket.should_not be_open |
| @socket.handle = @handle |
| @socket.close |
| @socket.should_not be_open |
| end |
| |
| it "should write data to the handle" do |
| @socket.open |
| @handle.should_receive(:write).with("foobar") |
| @socket.write("foobar") |
| @handle.should_receive(:write).with("fail").and_raise(StandardError) |
| lambda { @socket.write("fail") }.should raise_error(Thrift::TransportException) { |e| e.type.should == Thrift::TransportException::NOT_OPEN } |
| end |
| |
| it "should raise an error when it cannot read from the handle" do |
| @socket.open |
| @handle.should_receive(:readpartial).with(17).and_raise(StandardError) |
| lambda { @socket.read(17) }.should raise_error(Thrift::TransportException) { |e| e.type.should == Thrift::TransportException::NOT_OPEN } |
| end |
| |
| it "should return the data read when reading from the handle works" do |
| @socket.open |
| @handle.should_receive(:readpartial).with(17).and_return("test data") |
| @socket.read(17).should == "test data" |
| end |
| |
| it "should declare itself as closed when it has an error" do |
| @socket.open |
| @handle.should_receive(:write).with("fail").and_raise(StandardError) |
| @socket.should be_open |
| lambda { @socket.write("fail") }.should raise_error |
| @socket.should_not be_open |
| end |
| |
| it "should raise an error when the stream is closed" do |
| @socket.open |
| @handle.stub!(:closed?).and_return(true) |
| @socket.should_not be_open |
| lambda { @socket.write("fail") }.should raise_error(IOError, "closed stream") |
| lambda { @socket.read(10) }.should raise_error(IOError, "closed stream") |
| end |
| end |