blob: 57ffb87b1c8d5fe08b82abf3cf723f42978867da [file] [log] [blame]
# This probably should not go into "make check", because it is an experiment,
# not a test. Specifically, it is meant to determine how likely realloc is
# to avoid a copy. This is poorly documented.
run: realloc_test
for it in 1 4 64 ; do \
for nb in 1 8 64 512 ; do \
for mins in 64 512 ; do \
for maxs in 2048 262144 ; do \
for db in 8 64 ; do \
./realloc_test $$nb $$mins $$maxs $$db $$it \
; done \
; done \
; done \
; done \
; done \
> raw_stats
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -std=c99
LDLIBS = -ldl
realloc_test: realloc_test.c