blob: 96f544efca541279a759bc0c12baafefd897ae93 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2006- Facebook
# Distributed under the Thrift Software License
# See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
# package - thrift.socket
# author - T Jake Luciani <>
# author - Mark Slee <>
require 5.6.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Thrift;
use Thrift::Transport;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
package Thrift::Socket;
use base('Thrift::Transport');
sub new
my $classname = shift;
my $host = shift || "localhost";
my $port = shift || 9090;
my $debugHandler = shift;
my $self = {
host => $host,
port => $port,
debugHandler => $debugHandler,
debug => 0,
sendTimeout => 100,
recvTimeout => 750,
handle => undef,
return bless($self,$classname);
sub setSendTimeout
my $self = shift;
my $timeout = shift;
$self->{sendTimeout} = $timeout;
sub setRecvTimeout
my $self = shift;
my $timeout = shift;
$self->{recvTimeout} = $timeout;
#Sets debugging output on or off
# @param bool $debug
sub setDebug
my $self = shift;
my $debug = shift;
$self->{debug} = $debug;
# Tests whether this is open
# @return bool true if the socket is open
sub isOpen
my $self = shift;
if( defined $self->{handle} ){
return ($self->{handle}->handles())[0]->connected;
return 0;
# Connects the socket.
sub open
my $self = shift;
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $self->{host},
PeerPort => $self->{port},
Proto => 'tcp',
Timeout => $self->{sendTimeout}/1000)
|| do {
my $error = 'TSocket: Could not connect to '.$self->{host}.':'.$self->{port}.' ('.$!.')';
if ($self->{debug}) {
die new Thrift::TException($error);
$self->{handle} = new IO::Select( $sock );
# Closes the socket.
sub close
my $self = shift;
if( defined $self->{handle} ){
close( ($self->{handle}->handles())[0] );
# Uses stream get contents to do the reading
# @param int $len How many bytes
# @return string Binary data
sub readAll
my $self = shift;
my $len = shift;
return unless defined $self->{handle};
my $pre = "";
while (1) {
#check for timeout
my @sockets = $self->{handle}->can_read( $self->{recvTimeout} / 1000 );
if(@sockets == 0){
die new Thrift::TException('TSocket: timed out reading '.$len.' bytes from '.
my $sock = $sockets[0];
my ($buf,$sz);
$sock->recv($buf, $len);
if (!defined $buf || $buf eq '') {
die new Thrift::TException('TSocket: Could not read '.$len.' bytes from '.
} elsif (($sz = length($buf)) < $len) {
$pre .= $buf;
$len -= $sz;
} else {
return $pre.$buf;
# Read from the socket
# @param int $len How many bytes
# @return string Binary data
sub read
my $self = shift;
my $len = shift;
return unless defined $self->{handle};
#check for timeout
my @sockets = $self->{handle}->can_read( $self->{sendTimeout} / 1000 );
if(@sockets == 0){
die new Thrift::TException('TSocket: timed out reading '.$len.' bytes from '.
my $sock = $sockets[0];
my ($buf,$sz);
$sock->recv($buf, $len);
if (!defined $buf || $buf eq '') {
die new TException('TSocket: Could not read '.$len.' bytes from '.
return $buf;
# Write to the socket.
# @param string $buf The data to write
sub write
my $self = shift;
my $buf = shift;
return unless defined $self->{handle};
while (length($buf) > 0) {
#check for timeout
my @sockets = $self->{handle}->can_write( $self->{recvTimeout} / 1000 );
if(@sockets == 0){
die new Thrift::TException('TSocket: timed out writing to bytes from '.
my $sock = $sockets[0];
my $got = $sock->send($buf);
if (!defined $got || $got == 0 ) {
die new Thrift::TException('TSocket: Could not write '.length($buf).' bytes '.
$buf = substr($buf, $got);
# Flush output to the socket.
sub flush
my $self = shift;
return unless defined $self->{handle};
my $ret = ($self->{handle}->handles())[0]->flush;