blob: e1d6be1616734f340c4efe080cd5efb8c4972095 [file] [log] [blame]
%%% -*- mode:erlang -*-
{application, %APP_NAME%,
% A quick description of the application.
{description, "Thrift bindings"},
% The version of the applicaton
{vsn, "%VSN%"},
% All modules used by the application.
% All of the registered names the application uses. This can be ignored.
{registered, []},
% Applications that are to be started prior to this one. This can be ignored
% leave it alone unless you understand it well and let the .rel files in
% your release handle this.
% OTP application loader will load, but not start, included apps. Again
% this can be ignored as well. To load but not start an application it
% is easier to include it in the .rel file followed by the atom 'none'
{included_applications, []},
% configuration parameters similar to those in the config file specified
% on the command line. can be fetched with gas:get_env
{env, [
{term_width, 110},
{force_one_line, false},
{omit_fmt, ["thrift ~p:new(~s) = ~s"]},
{gen_server_messages, true},
{lookup, false} % DNS
% The Module and Args used to start this application.
{mod, {thrift_app, []}}