blob: 38ef81fa16d9ccab84ad51a6043ca6758288f601 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.facebook.thrift.server;
import com.facebook.thrift.TProcessor;
* Generic interface for a Thrift server.
* @author Mark Slee <>
public abstract class TServer {
* The options class should be subclassed by particular servers which have
* specific options needs, while the general options should live here.
public static class Options {
public Options() {}
/** Core processor */
protected TProcessor processor_;
/** Server options */
protected Options options_;
* Default constructor, all servers take a processor and some options.
protected TServer(TProcessor processor, Options options) {
processor_ = processor;
options_ = options;
* The run method fires up the server and gets things going.
public abstract void run();