blob: 8022341392601fae2926dfd0e41e726ee0cc9d6f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import division
import sys, glob, time, os
sys.path.insert(0, glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),'../../lib/py/build/lib.*'))[0])
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--genpydir', type='string', dest='genpydir',
help='include this local directory in sys.path for locating generated code')
parser.add_option("--port", type="int", dest="port",
help="port number for server to listen on")
parser.add_option("--zlib", action="store_true", dest="zlib",
help="use zlib wrapper for compressed transport")
parser.add_option("--ssl", action="store_true", dest="ssl",
help="use SSL for encrypted transport")
parser.add_option("--multiple", action="store_true", dest="multiple",
help="use multiple service")
parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action="store_const",
dest="verbose", const=2,
help="verbose output")
parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action="store_const",
dest="verbose", const=0,
help="minimal output")
parser.add_option('--proto', dest="proto", type="string",
help="protocol to use, one of: accel, binary, compact, json")
parser.set_defaults(port=9090, verbose=1, proto='binary')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
sys.path.insert(0, options.genpydir)
from ThriftTest import ThriftTest, SecondService
from ThriftTest.ttypes import *
from thrift.Thrift import TException
from thrift import TMultiplexedProcessor
from thrift.transport import TTransport
from thrift.transport import TSocket
from thrift.transport import TZlibTransport
from thrift.protocol import TBinaryProtocol
from thrift.protocol import TCompactProtocol
from thrift.protocol import TJSONProtocol
from thrift.server import TServer, TNonblockingServer, THttpServer
PROT_FACTORIES = {'binary': TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolFactory,
'accel': TBinaryProtocol.TBinaryProtocolAcceleratedFactory,
'compact': TCompactProtocol.TCompactProtocolFactory,
'json': TJSONProtocol.TJSONProtocolFactory}
class SecondHandler:
def blahBlah(self):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'blahBlah()'
class TestHandler:
def testVoid(self):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testVoid()'
def testString(self, str):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testString(%s)' % str
return str
def testByte(self, byte):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testByte(%d)' % byte
return byte
def testI16(self, i16):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testI16(%d)' % i16
return i16
def testI32(self, i32):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testI32(%d)' % i32
return i32
def testI64(self, i64):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testI64(%d)' % i64
return i64
def testDouble(self, dub):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testDouble(%f)' % dub
return dub
def testStruct(self, thing):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testStruct({%s, %d, %d, %d})' % (thing.string_thing, thing.byte_thing, thing.i32_thing, thing.i64_thing)
return thing
def testException(self, arg):
#if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testException(%s)' % arg
if arg == 'Xception':
raise Xception(errorCode=1001, message=arg)
elif arg == 'TException':
raise TException(message='This is a TException')
def testMultiException(self, arg0, arg1):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testMultiException(%s, %s)' % (arg0, arg1)
if arg0 == 'Xception':
raise Xception(errorCode=1001, message='This is an Xception')
elif arg0 == 'Xception2':
raise Xception2(
struct_thing=Xtruct(string_thing='This is an Xception2'))
return Xtruct(string_thing=arg1)
def testOneway(self, seconds):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testOneway(%d) => sleeping...' % seconds
time.sleep(seconds / 3) # be quick
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'done sleeping'
def testNest(self, thing):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testNest(%s)' % thing
return thing
def testMap(self, thing):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testMap(%s)' % thing
return thing
def testSet(self, thing):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testSet(%s)' % thing
return thing
def testList(self, thing):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testList(%s)' % thing
return thing
def testEnum(self, thing):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testEnum(%s)' % thing
return thing
def testTypedef(self, thing):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testTypedef(%s)' % thing
return thing
def testMapMap(self, thing):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testMapMap(%s)' % thing
return {thing: {thing: thing}}
def testInsanity(self, argument):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testInsanity(%s)' % argument
return {123489: {Numberz.ONE:argument}}
def testMulti(self, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5):
if options.verbose > 1:
print 'testMulti(%s)' % [arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5]
return Xtruct(string_thing='Hello2',
byte_thing=arg0, i32_thing=arg1, i64_thing=arg2)
# set up the protocol factory form the --proto option
pfactory_cls = PROT_FACTORIES.get(options.proto, None)
if pfactory_cls is None:
raise AssertionError('Unknown --proto option: %s' % options.proto)
pfactory = pfactory_cls()
# get the server type (TSimpleServer, TNonblockingServer, etc...)
if len(args) > 1:
raise AssertionError('Only one server type may be specified, not multiple types.')
server_type = args[0]
# Set up the handler and processor objects
if not options.multiple:
handler = TestHandler()
processor = ThriftTest.Processor(handler)
processor = TMultiplexedProcessor.TMultiplexedProcessor()
handler = TestHandler()
processor.registerProcessor("ThriftTest", ThriftTest.Processor(handler))
handler = SecondHandler()
processor.registerProcessor("SecondService", SecondService.Processor(handler))
# Handle THttpServer as a special case
if server_type == 'THttpServer':
server =THttpServer.THttpServer(processor, ('', options.port), pfactory)
# set up server transport and transport factory
host = None
if options.ssl:
from thrift.transport import TSSLSocket
transport = TSSLSocket.TSSLServerSocket(host, options.port, certfile='../keys/server.pem')
transport = TSocket.TServerSocket(host, options.port)
tfactory = TTransport.TBufferedTransportFactory()
# if --zlib, then wrap server transport, and use a different transport factory
if options.zlib:
transport = TZlibTransport.TZlibTransport(transport) # wrap with zlib
tfactory = TZlibTransport.TZlibTransportFactory()
# do server-specific setup here:
if server_type == "TNonblockingServer":
server = TNonblockingServer.TNonblockingServer(processor, transport, inputProtocolFactory=pfactory)
elif server_type == "TProcessPoolServer":
import signal
from thrift.server import TProcessPoolServer
server = TProcessPoolServer.TProcessPoolServer(processor, transport, tfactory, pfactory)
def set_alarm():
def clean_shutdown(signum, frame):
for worker in server.workers:
if options.verbose > 0:
print 'Terminating worker: %s' % worker
if options.verbose > 0:
print 'Requesting server to stop()'
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, clean_shutdown)
# look up server class dynamically to instantiate server
ServerClass = getattr(TServer, server_type)
server = ServerClass(processor, transport, tfactory, pfactory)
# enter server main loop