| import time |
| import os |
| import os.path |
| from string import Template |
| from parser import * |
| from generator import * |
| |
| HEADER_COMMENT = """/** |
| * Autogenerated by Thrift |
| * ${date} |
| * |
| */ |
| """ |
| |
| #if !defined(${source}_types_h_) |
| #define ${source}_types_h_ 1 |
| |
| #include <Thrift.h> |
| ${namespacePrefix} |
| """) |
| |
| CPP_TYPES_FOOTER = Template(""" |
| ${namespaceSuffix} |
| #endif // !defined(${source}_types_h_) |
| """) |
| |
| #if !defined(${source}_h_) |
| #define ${source}_h_ 1 |
| |
| #include <Thrift.h> |
| #include <TProcessor.h> |
| #include <protocol/TProtocol.h> |
| #include <transport/TTransport.h> |
| #include \"${source}_types.h\" |
| |
| ${namespacePrefix} |
| """) |
| |
| CPP_SERVICES_FOOTER = Template(""" |
| ${namespaceSuffix} |
| #endif // !defined(${source}_h_)""") |
| |
| #include \"${source}.h\" |
| |
| ${namespacePrefix} |
| """) |
| |
| CPP_IMPL_FOOTER = Template(""" |
| ${namespaceSuffix} |
| """) |
| |
| def cpp_debug(arg): |
| print(arg) |
| |
| class Indenter(object): |
| def __init__(self, level=0, step=4): |
| self.level = level |
| self.step = step |
| self.chunk = "" |
| for i in range(step): |
| self.chunk+= " " |
| self.prefix="" |
| |
| def inc(self): |
| self.level+= self.step |
| self.prefix += self.chunk |
| |
| def dec(self): |
| self.level-= self.step |
| if(self.level < 0): |
| raise Exception, "Illegal indent level" |
| self.prefix = self.prefix[:self.level] |
| |
| def __call__(self): |
| return self.prefix |
| |
| class CFile(file): |
| |
| def __init__(self, name, flags): |
| file.__init__(self, name, flags) |
| self.indent = Indenter() |
| self.newline = True |
| |
| def rwrite(self, value): |
| file.write(self, value) |
| |
| def write(self, value=""): |
| if self.newline: |
| self.rwrite(self.indent()) |
| self.newline = False |
| self.rwrite(value) |
| |
| def writeln(self, value=""): |
| self.write(value+"\n") |
| self.newline = True |
| |
| def beginBlock(self): |
| self.writeln("{") |
| self.indent.inc(); |
| |
| def endBlock(self, suffix=""): |
| self.indent.dec(); |
| self.writeln("}"+suffix) |
| |
| "void" : "void", |
| "bool" : "bool", |
| "string": "std::string", |
| "utf7": "std::string", |
| "utf8": "std::wstring", |
| "utf16": "std::utf16", |
| "byte" : "uint8_t", |
| "i08": "int8_t", |
| "i16": "int16_t", |
| "i32": "int32_t", |
| "i64": "int64_t", |
| "u08": "uint8_t", |
| "u16": "uint16_t", |
| "u32": "uint32_t", |
| "u64": "uint64_t", |
| "float": "float", |
| "double": "double" |
| } |
| |
| MapType : "std::map", |
| ListType: "std::list", |
| SetType : "std::set", |
| } |
| |
| def toCNamespacePrefix(namespace): |
| if not namespace: |
| return "" |
| else: |
| return string.join(["namespace "+token + " {" for token in string.split(namespace, ".")], " ") |
| |
| def toCNamespaceSuffix(namespace): |
| if not namespace: |
| return "" |
| else: |
| return string.join(["}" for token in string.split(namespace, ".")], "") |
| |
| def toCTypeDeclaration(ttype): |
| """ Converts the thrift IDL type to the corresponding C/C++ type. Note that if ttype is FieldType, this function c |
| converts to type declaration followed by field name, i.e. \"string string_thing\"""" |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType): |
| return CPP_PRIMITIVE_MAP[ttype.name] |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType): |
| |
| result = CPP_CONTAINER_MAP[type(ttype)]+"<" |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, MapType): |
| result+= toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.keyType)+", "+ toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.valueType) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, SetType) or isinstance(ttype, ListType): |
| result+= toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.valueType) |
| |
| else: |
| raise Exception, "Unknown Collection Type "+str(ttype) |
| |
| result+= "> " |
| |
| return result |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, StructType): |
| return "struct "+ttype.name |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType): |
| return ttype.name; |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType): |
| return ttype.name; |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, Function): |
| result = toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.returnType())+ " "+ttype.name+"("+string.join([toCTypeDeclaration(arg) for arg in ttype.args()], ", ")+")" |
| if len(ttype.exceptions()): |
| result+= " throw("+string.join([toCTypeDeclaration(exceptions.type) for exceptions in ttype.exceptions()], ", ")+")" |
| return result |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, Field): |
| return toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.type)+ " "+ttype.name |
| |
| else: |
| raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype) |
| |
| def toTypeDefDefinition(typedef): |
| """ Converts a thrift typedef to a C/C++ typedef """ |
| |
| return "typedef "+toCTypeDeclaration(typedef.definitionType)+" "+typedef.name+";" |
| |
| def toEnumDefinition(enum): |
| """ Converts a thrift enum to a C/C++ enum """ |
| |
| result = "enum "+enum.name+" {\n" |
| |
| first = True |
| |
| for ed in enum.enumDefs: |
| if first: |
| first = False |
| else: |
| result+= ",\n" |
| result+= " "+ed.name+" = "+str(ed.id) |
| |
| result+= "\n};\n" |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def toStructDefinition(struct): |
| """Converts a thrift struct to a C/C++ struct""" |
| |
| result = "struct "+struct.name+" {\n" |
| |
| # Create constructor defaults for primitive types |
| |
| ctorValues = string.join([field.name+"(0)" for field in struct.fieldList if isinstance(toCanonicalType(field.type), PrimitiveType) and toCanonicalType(field.type) not in [STRING_TYPE, UTF8_TYPE, UTF16_TYPE, VOID_TYPE]], ", ") |
| |
| if len(ctorValues) > 0: |
| result+= " "+struct.name+"() : "+ctorValues+ " {}\n" |
| |
| # Field declarations |
| |
| result+= string.join([" "+toCTypeDeclaration(field)+";\n" for field in struct.fieldList if toCanonicalType(field.type) != VOID_TYPE], "") |
| |
| # is-field-set struct and ctor |
| |
| ctorValues = string.join([field.name+"(false)" for field in struct.fieldList if toCanonicalType(field.type) != VOID_TYPE], ", ") |
| |
| if len(ctorValues) > 0: |
| result+= " struct __isset {\n" |
| result+= " __isset() : "+ctorValues+" {}\n" |
| result+= string.join([" bool "+field.name+";\n" for field in struct.fieldList if toCanonicalType(field.type) != VOID_TYPE], "") |
| result+= " } __isset;\n" |
| |
| # bring it on home |
| |
| result+= "};\n" |
| |
| return result |
| |
| TypedefType : toTypeDefDefinition, |
| EnumType : toEnumDefinition, |
| StructType : toStructDefinition, |
| ExceptionType : toStructDefinition, |
| Service : None |
| } |
| |
| def toDefinitions(definitions): |
| """Converts an arbitrafy thrift grammatical unit definition to the corresponding C/C++ definition""" |
| |
| result = "" |
| |
| for definition in definitions: |
| |
| writer = CPP_DEFINITION_MAP[type(definition)] |
| |
| if writer: |
| result+= writer(definition)+"\n" |
| |
| return result |
| |
| CPP_THRIFT_NS = "facebook::thrift" |
| |
| CPP_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template(""" virtual ${functionDeclaration} = 0; |
| """) |
| |
| class ${service}If { |
| public: |
| virtual ~${service}If() {} |
| ${functionDeclarations}}; |
| """) |
| |
| def toServiceInterfaceDeclaration(service, debugp=None): |
| """Converts a thrift service definition into a C++ abstract base class""" |
| |
| functionDeclarations = string.join([CPP_INTERFACE_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute(service=service.name, functionDeclaration=toCTypeDeclaration(function)) for function in service.functionList], "") |
| |
| return CPP_INTERFACE_DECLARATION.substitute(service=service.name, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations) |
| |
| |
| CPP_SP = Template("boost::shared_ptr<${klass}> ") |
| |
| |
| CPP_PROTOCOL_NS = CPP_THRIFT_NS+"::protocol" |
| CPP_PROTOCOLP = CPP_SP.substitute(klass="const "+CPP_PROTOCOL) |
| |
| |
| CPP_TRANSPORT_NS = CPP_THRIFT_NS+"::transport" |
| |
| |
| U08_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U08", |
| I08_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_I08", |
| I16_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_I16", |
| I32_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_I32", |
| I64_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_I64", |
| U08_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U08", |
| U16_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U16", |
| U32_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U32", |
| U64_TYPE : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_U64", |
| StructType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_STRUCT", |
| ExceptionType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_STRUCT", |
| ListType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_LIST", |
| MapType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_MAP", |
| SetType : CPP_PROTOCOL_NS+"::T_SET" |
| } |
| |
| |
| CPP_SERVER_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template(""" void process_${function}(uint32_t seqid, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans); |
| """) |
| |
| void ${service}ServerIf::process_${function}(uint32_t seqid, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans) { |
| |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| |
| ${argsStructDeclaration}; |
| |
| ${argsStructReader}; |
| |
| _iprot->readMessageEnd(itrans); |
| |
| ${resultStructDeclaration}; |
| |
| ${functionCall} |
| |
| _oprot->writeMessageBegin(otrans, \"${function}\", """+CPP_PROTOCOL_REPLY+""", seqid); |
| |
| ${resultStructWriter}; |
| |
| _oprot->writeMessageEnd(otrans); |
| |
| otrans->flush(); |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| bool ${service}ServerIf::process("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans) { |
| |
| std::string name; |
| |
| """+CPP_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE+""" messageType; |
| |
| uint32_t seqid; |
| |
| _iprot->readMessageBegin(itrans, name, messageType, seqid); |
| |
| if(messageType == """+CPP_PROTOCOL_CALL+""") { |
| ${callProcessSwitch} |
| } else { |
| throw """+CPP_EXCEPTION+"""(\"Unexpected message type\"); |
| } |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| def toWireType(ttype): |
| """Converts a thrift type to the corresponding wire type. This differs from toCTypeDeclaration in that it reduces typedefs |
| to their canonical form and converts enums to signedf 32 bit integers""" |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType): |
| return CPP_TTYPE_MAP[ttype] |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType): |
| return CPP_TTYPE_MAP[I32_TYPE] |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType): |
| return toWireType(toCanonicalType(ttype)) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, StructType) or isinstance(ttype, CollectionType): |
| return CPP_TTYPE_MAP[type(ttype)] |
| |
| else: |
| raise Exception, "No wire type for thrift type: "+str(ttype) |
| |
| class ${service}ServerIf : public ${service}If, public """+CPP_PROCESSOR+""" { |
| public: |
| ${service}ServerIf("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" protocol): _iprot(protocol), _oprot(protocol) {} |
| ${service}ServerIf("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot) : _iprot(iprot), _oprot(oprot) {} |
| virtual ~${service}ServerIf() {} |
| bool process("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _itrans,"""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _otrans); |
| protected: |
| """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _iprot; |
| """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _oprot; |
| private: |
| ${functionDeclarations}}; |
| """) |
| |
| def toServerDeclaration(service, debugp=None): |
| """Converts a thrift service definition to the Server skeleton class declaration.""" |
| |
| functionDeclarations = string.join([CPP_SERVER_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute(function=function.name) for function in service.functionList], "") |
| |
| return CPP_SERVER_DECLARATION.substitute(service=service.name, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations) |
| |
| CPP_CLIENT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION = Template(""" ${functionDeclaration}; |
| """) |
| |
| |
| ${returnDeclaration} ${service}Client::${function}(${argsDeclaration}) ${exceptionDeclaration} { |
| |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| std::string name; |
| """+CPP_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE+""" messageType; |
| uint32_t cseqid = 0; |
| uint32_t rseqid = 0; |
| |
| _oprot->writeMessageBegin(_otrans, \"${function}\", """+CPP_PROTOCOL_CALL+""", cseqid); |
| |
| ${argsStructDeclaration}; |
| |
| ${argsToStruct}; |
| |
| ${argsStructWriter}; |
| |
| _otrans->flush(); |
| |
| _iprot->readMessageBegin(_itrans, name, messageType, rseqid); |
| |
| if(messageType != """+CPP_PROTOCOL_REPLY+""" || |
| rseqid != cseqid) { |
| throw """+CPP_EXCEPTION+"""(\"unexpected message type or id\"); |
| } |
| |
| ${resultStructDeclaration}; |
| |
| ${resultStructReader}; |
| |
| _iprot->readMessageEnd(_itrans); |
| |
| ${returnResult} |
| throw """+CPP_EXCEPTION+"""(\"${function} failed: unknown result"); |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| class ${service}Client : public ${service}If { |
| |
| public: |
| |
| ${service}Client("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" transport, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" protocol): _itrans(transport), _otrans(transport), _iprot(protocol), _oprot(protocol) {} |
| |
| ${service}Client("""+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot) : _itrans(itrans), _otrans(otrans), _iprot(iprot), _oprot(oprot) {} |
| |
| ${functionDeclarations} |
| private: |
| """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _itrans; |
| """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" _otrans; |
| """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _iprot; |
| """+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _oprot; |
| };""") |
| |
| def toServerFunctionDefinition(servicePrefix, function, debugp=None): |
| """Converts a thrift service method declaration into a server method-call processoror function""" |
| result = "" |
| |
| argsStructDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.argsStruct)+" __args" |
| |
| argsStructReader = toReaderCall("__args", function.argsStruct, "_iprot") |
| |
| resultStructDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.resultStruct)+" __result" |
| |
| resultStructWriter = toWriterCall("__result", function.resultStruct, "_oprot") |
| |
| if toCanonicalType(function.returnType()) != VOID_TYPE: |
| functionCallPrefix= "__result.success = " |
| functionCallSuffix = "\n __result.__isset.success = true;" |
| else: |
| functionCallPrefix = "" |
| functionCallSuffix = "" |
| |
| functionCall= function.name+"("+string.join(["__args."+arg.name for arg in function.args()], ", ")+");" |
| |
| exceptions = function.exceptions() |
| |
| if len(exceptions) > 0: |
| functionCallPrefix= "try {\n "+functionCallPrefix |
| |
| functionCallSuffix+= "\n }"+string.join([" catch("+toCTypeDeclaration(exceptions[ix].type)+"& e"+str(ix)+") {\n __result."+exceptions[ix].name+" = e"+str(ix)+";\n __result.__isset."+exceptions[ix].name+" = true;\n }" |
| for ix in range(len(exceptions))], "") |
| |
| functionCall = functionCallPrefix+functionCall+functionCallSuffix |
| |
| result+= CPP_SERVER_FUNCTION_DEFINITION.substitute(service=servicePrefix, function=function.name, |
| argsStructDeclaration=argsStructDeclaration, |
| argsStructReader=argsStructReader, |
| functionCall=functionCall, |
| resultStructDeclaration=resultStructDeclaration, |
| resultStructWriter=resultStructWriter) |
| return result |
| |
| def toServerServiceDefinition(service, debugp=None): |
| """Converts a thrift service definiton to a server skeleton implementation""" |
| |
| result = "" |
| |
| for function in service.functionList: |
| |
| result+= toServerFunctionDefinition(service.name, function, debugp) |
| |
| callProcessSwitch = " if"+string.join(["(name.compare(\""+function.name+"\") == 0) { process_"+function.name+"(seqid, itrans, otrans);\n}" for function in service.functionList], "\n else if")+" else {throw "+CPP_EXCEPTION+"(\"Unknown function name \\\"\"+name+\"\\\"\");}" |
| |
| result+= CPP_SERVER_PROCESS_DEFINITION.substitute(service=service.name, callProcessSwitch=callProcessSwitch) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def toServerDefinition(program, debugp=None): |
| |
| return string.join([toServerServiceDefinition(service) for service in program.serviceMap.values()], "\n") |
| |
| def toClientDeclaration(service, debugp=None): |
| |
| functionDeclarations = string.join([CPP_CLIENT_FUNCTION_DECLARATION.substitute(functionDeclaration=toCTypeDeclaration(function)) for function in service.functionList], "") |
| |
| return CPP_CLIENT_DECLARATION.substitute(service=service.name, functionDeclarations=functionDeclarations)+"\n" |
| |
| def toClientFunctionDefinition(servicePrefix, function, debugp=None): |
| """Converts a thrift service method declaration to a client stub implementation""" |
| |
| isVoid = toCanonicalType(function.returnType()) == VOID_TYPE |
| |
| returnDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.returnType()) |
| |
| argsDeclaration = string.join([toCTypeDeclaration(function.args()[ix].type)+" __arg"+str(ix) for ix in range(len(function.args()))], ", ") |
| |
| exceptionDeclaration = string.join([toCTypeDeclaration(exception.type) for exception in function.exceptions()], ", ") |
| |
| if len(exceptionDeclaration)> 0: |
| exceptionDeclaration = "throw("+exceptionDeclaration+")" |
| |
| argsStructDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.argsStruct)+" __args" |
| |
| argsStructWriter = toWriterCall("__args", function.argsStruct, "_oprot", "_otrans") |
| |
| argsToStruct= string.join([" __args."+function.args()[ix].name+" = __arg"+str(ix) for ix in range(len(function.args()))], ";\n") |
| |
| resultStructDeclaration = toCTypeDeclaration(function.resultStruct)+" __result" |
| |
| resultStructReader = toReaderCall("__result", function.resultStruct, "_iprot", "_itrans") |
| |
| exceptions = function.exceptions() |
| |
| """ void return and non-void returns require very different arrangments. For void returns, we don't actually expect |
| anything to have been sent from the remote side, therefore we need to check for explicit exception returns first, |
| then, if none were encountered, return. For void we test for success first - since this is the most likey result - |
| and then check for exceptions. In both cases, we need to handle the case where there are no specified exceptions. """ |
| |
| if len(exceptions) > 0: |
| errors= ["if(__result.__isset."+exception.name+") {\n throw __result."+exception.name+";\n }" for exception in exceptions] |
| else: |
| errors = [] |
| |
| if not isVoid: |
| returnResult = " if(__result.__isset.success) {\n return __result.success;\n}" |
| if len(errors) > 0: |
| returnResult+= " else "+string.join(errors, " else ") |
| else: |
| if len(errors) > 0: |
| returnResult= " "+string.join(errors, " else ")+" else {\n return;\n }\n" |
| else: |
| returnResult=" return;\n" |
| |
| return CPP_CLIENT_FUNCTION_DEFINITION.substitute(service=servicePrefix, |
| function=function.name, |
| returnDeclaration=returnDeclaration, |
| argsDeclaration=argsDeclaration, |
| exceptionDeclaration=exceptionDeclaration, |
| argsStructDeclaration=argsStructDeclaration, |
| argsStructWriter=argsStructWriter, |
| argsToStruct=argsToStruct, |
| resultStructDeclaration=resultStructDeclaration, |
| resultStructReader=resultStructReader, |
| returnResult=returnResult) |
| |
| def toClientServiceDefinition(service, debugp=None): |
| """Converts a thrift service definition to a client stub implementation""" |
| |
| result = "" |
| |
| for function in service.functionList: |
| |
| result+= toClientFunctionDefinition(service.name, function) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def toClientDefinition(program, debugp=None): |
| """Converts all services in a thrift program to client stub implementations""" |
| |
| return string.join([toClientServiceDefinition(service) for service in program.serviceMap.values()], "\n") |
| |
| def toServiceDeclaration(service, debugp=None): |
| """Converts all services in a thrift program to service interface or abstract base class declarations""" |
| |
| return toServiceInterfaceDeclaration(service, debugp) + toServerDeclaration(service, debugp) + toClientDeclaration(service, debugp) |
| |
| def toGenDir(filename, suffix="cpp-gen", debugp=None): |
| """creates a generated-code subdirectory for C++ code based on filename of thrift source file and optional suffix""" |
| |
| result = os.path.join(os.path.split(filename)[0], suffix) |
| |
| if not os.path.exists(result): |
| os.mkdir(result) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def toBasename(filename, debugp=None): |
| """ Take the filename minus the path and\".thrift\" extension if present """ |
| |
| basename = os.path.split(filename)[1] |
| |
| tokens = os.path.splitext(basename) |
| |
| if tokens[1].lower() == ".thrift": |
| basename = tokens[0] |
| |
| if debugp: |
| debugp("toBasename("+str(filename)+") => "+str(basename)) |
| |
| return basename |
| |
| def toDefinitionHeaderName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None): |
| """Creates a file name for the public thrift data types based on filename of thrift source file and optional suffix""" |
| |
| if not genDir: |
| genDir = toGenDir(filename) |
| |
| basename = toBasename(filename) |
| |
| result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+"_types.h") |
| |
| if debugp: |
| debugp("toDefinitionHeaderName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename)) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def writeDefinitionHeader(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None): |
| """Writes public thrift data types defined in program into a public data types header file. Uses the name of the original |
| thrift source, filename, and the optional generated C++ code directory, genDir, to determine the name and location of header file""" |
| |
| definitionHeader = toDefinitionHeaderName(filename, genDir) |
| |
| if debugp: |
| debugp("definitionHeader: "+str(definitionHeader)) |
| |
| cfile = CFile(definitionHeader, "w") |
| |
| basename = toBasename(filename) |
| |
| cfile.writeln(CPP_TYPES_HEADER.substitute(source=basename, date=time.ctime(), namespacePrefix=toCNamespacePrefix(program.namespace))) |
| |
| cfile.write(toDefinitions(program.definitions)) |
| |
| cfile.writeln(CPP_TYPES_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename, namespaceSuffix=toCNamespaceSuffix(program.namespace))) |
| |
| cfile.close() |
| |
| def toServicesHeaderName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None): |
| """Creates a file name for the public thrift services based on filename of thrift source file and optional suffix""" |
| |
| if not genDir: |
| genDir = toGenDir(filename) |
| |
| basename = toBasename(filename) |
| |
| result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+".h") |
| |
| if debugp: |
| debugp("toDefinitionHeaderName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename)) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def writeServicesHeader(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None): |
| """Writes public thrift service abstract base class, client class, and server class for all services defined in program into a public services header file. Uses the name of the original thrift source, filename, and the optional generated C++ code directory, genDir, to determine the name and location of header file""" |
| |
| servicesHeader = toServicesHeaderName(filename, genDir) |
| |
| if debugp: |
| debugp("servicesHeader: "+str(servicesHeader)) |
| |
| cfile = CFile(servicesHeader, "w") |
| |
| basename = toBasename(filename) |
| |
| cfile.writeln(CPP_SERVICES_HEADER.substitute(source=basename, date=time.ctime(), namespacePrefix=toCNamespacePrefix(program.namespace))) |
| |
| services = [] |
| |
| # Build orderered list of service definitions by scanning definitions list for services |
| |
| for definition in program.definitions: |
| if isinstance(definition, Service) and definition.name in program.serviceMap: |
| services.append(definition) |
| |
| for service in services: |
| |
| cfile.write(toServiceDeclaration(service)) |
| |
| cfile.writeln(CPP_SERVICES_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename, namespaceSuffix=toCNamespaceSuffix(program.namespace))) |
| |
| cfile.close() |
| |
| |
| CPP_STRUCT_READ = Template(""" |
| uint32_t read${name}Struct("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" _iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) { |
| |
| std::string name; |
| uint32_t id; |
| uint32_t type; |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| |
| while(true) { |
| xfer+= _iprot->readFieldBegin(_itrans, name, type, id); |
| if(type == """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TSTOP+""") { |
| break; |
| } |
| switch(id) { |
| ${readFieldListSwitch} |
| } |
| } |
| |
| xfer+= _iprot->readStructEnd(_itrans); |
| |
| return xfer; |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| "void" :"Void", |
| "bool" : "Bool", |
| "string": "String", |
| "utf7": "String", |
| "utf8": "String", |
| "utf16": "String", |
| "i08": "Byte", |
| "i16": "I16", |
| "i32": "I32", |
| "i64": "I64", |
| "u08": "Byte", |
| "u16": "U16", |
| "u32": "U32", |
| "u64": "U64", |
| "float": "Float", |
| "double": "Double" |
| } |
| |
| MapType : "map", |
| ListType : "list", |
| SetType : "set" |
| } |
| |
| def typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype): |
| """Converts type to a name suitable as a suffix with TProtocol primitive read and write methods or with a generated read or write |
| method for a complex type""" |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType): |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType): |
| |
| result = CPP_COLLECTION_TYPE_IO_METHOD_SUFFIX_MAP[type(ttype)]+"_" |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, MapType): |
| result+= "k_"+typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype.keyType)+"_" |
| |
| result += "v_"+typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype.valueType) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, StructType): |
| return "struct_"+ttype.name |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType): |
| return ttype.name |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType): |
| return ttype.name |
| |
| else: |
| raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype) |
| |
| def toReaderCall(value, ttype, reader="iprot", transport="itrans"): |
| """Converts type to a name suitable as a suffix with TProtocol primitive read methods or with a generated read |
| method for a complex type""" |
| |
| suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype) |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType): |
| if ttype != VOID_TYPE: |
| return "xfer += "+reader+"->read"+suffix+"("+transport+", "+value+")" |
| else: |
| return "" |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType): |
| return "xfer+= read_"+suffix+"("+reader+", "+transport+", "+value+")" |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, StructType): |
| return "xfer+= read_"+suffix+"("+reader+", "+transport+", "+value+")" |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType): |
| return toReaderCall("reinterpret_cast<"+toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.definitionType)+"&>("+value+")", ttype.definitionType, reader) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType): |
| return toReaderCall("reinterpret_cast<"+toCTypeDeclaration(I32_TYPE)+"&>("+value+")", I32_TYPE, reader) |
| |
| else: |
| raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype) |
| |
| def toWriterCall(value, ttype, writer="oprot", transport="otrans"): |
| """Converts type to a name suitable as a suffix with TProtocol primitive write methods or with a generated write |
| method for a complex type""" |
| |
| suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(ttype) |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType): |
| if ttype != VOID_TYPE: |
| return "xfer+= "+writer+"->write"+suffix+"("+transport+", "+value+")" |
| else: |
| return "" |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType): |
| return "xfer+= write_"+suffix+"("+writer+", "+transport+", "+value+")" |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, StructType): |
| return "xfer+= write_"+suffix+"("+writer+", "+transport+", "+value+")" |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType): |
| return toWriterCall("reinterpret_cast<const "+toCTypeDeclaration(ttype.definitionType)+"&>("+value+")", ttype.definitionType, writer) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType): |
| return toWriterCall("reinterpret_cast<const "+toCTypeDeclaration(I32_TYPE)+"&>("+value+")", I32_TYPE, writer) |
| |
| else: |
| raise Exception, "Unknown type "+str(ttype) |
| |
| CPP_READ_MAP_DEFINITION = Template(""" |
| uint32_t read_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) { |
| |
| uint32_t count; |
| ${keyType} key; |
| ${valueType} elem; |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| |
| xfer += iprot->readU32(itrans, count); |
| |
| for(uint32_t ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) { |
| ${keyReaderCall}; |
| ${valueReaderCall}; |
| value.insert(std::make_pair(key, elem)); |
| } |
| |
| return xfer; |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| uint32_t write_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, const ${declaration}& value) { |
| |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| |
| xfer += oprot->writeU32(otrans, value.size()); |
| |
| for(${declaration}::const_iterator ix = value.begin(); ix != value.end(); ++ix) { |
| ${keyWriterCall}; |
| ${valueWriterCall}; |
| } |
| return xfer; |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| uint32_t read_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) { |
| |
| uint32_t count; |
| ${valueType} elem; |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| |
| xfer+= iprot->readU32(itrans, count); |
| |
| for(uint32_t ix = 0; ix < count; ix++) { |
| ${valueReaderCall}; |
| value.${insert}(elem); |
| } |
| return xfer; |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| uint32_t write_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, const ${declaration}& value) { |
| |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| |
| xfer+= oprot->writeU32(otrans, value.size()); |
| |
| for(${declaration}::const_iterator ix = value.begin(); ix != value.end(); ++ix) { |
| ${valueWriterCall}; |
| } |
| return xfer; |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| def toCollectionReaderDefinition(collection): |
| """Converts collection type to reader function definition""" |
| |
| suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(collection) |
| |
| if isinstance(collection, MapType): |
| keyReaderCall = toReaderCall("key", collection.keyType) |
| |
| valueReaderCall= toReaderCall("elem", collection.valueType) |
| |
| if isinstance(collection, MapType): |
| return CPP_READ_MAP_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(collection), |
| keyType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.keyType), |
| keyReaderCall=keyReaderCall, |
| valueType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.valueType), |
| valueReaderCall=valueReaderCall) |
| |
| else: |
| if isinstance(collection, ListType): |
| insert="push_back" |
| else: |
| insert="insert" |
| |
| return CPP_READ_LIST_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(collection), |
| valueReaderCall=valueReaderCall, |
| valueType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.valueType), |
| insert=insert) |
| |
| |
| def toCollectionWriterDefinition(collection): |
| """Converts collection type to writer function definition""" |
| |
| suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(collection) |
| |
| if isinstance(collection, MapType): |
| keyWriterCall = toWriterCall("ix->first", collection.keyType) |
| valueWriterCall = toWriterCall("ix->second", collection.valueType) |
| |
| else: |
| valueWriterCall= toWriterCall("*ix", collection.valueType) |
| |
| if isinstance(collection, MapType): |
| return CPP_WRITE_MAP_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(collection), |
| keyType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.keyType), |
| keyWriterCall=keyWriterCall, |
| valueType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.valueType), |
| valueWriterCall=valueWriterCall) |
| |
| else: |
| return CPP_WRITE_LIST_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(collection), |
| valueWriterCall=valueWriterCall, |
| valueType=toCTypeDeclaration(collection.valueType)) |
| |
| |
| uint32_t read_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" iprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" itrans, ${declaration}& value) { |
| |
| std::string name; |
| """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TTYPE+""" type; |
| int16_t id; |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| |
| xfer+= iprot->readStructBegin(itrans, name); |
| |
| while(true) { |
| |
| xfer+= iprot->readFieldBegin(itrans, name, type, id); |
| |
| if(type == """+CPP_PROTOCOL_TSTOP+""") {break;} |
| |
| switch(id) { |
| ${fieldSwitch} |
| default: xfer += iprot->skip(itrans, type); break; |
| } |
| |
| xfer+= iprot->readFieldEnd(itrans); |
| } |
| |
| xfer+= iprot->readStructEnd(itrans); |
| |
| return xfer; |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| CPP_WRITE_FIELD_DEFINITION = Template("""oprot->writeFieldBegin(otrans, \"${name}\", ${type}, ${id}); ${fieldWriterCall}; oprot->writeFieldEnd(otrans)""") |
| |
| uint32_t write_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, const ${declaration}& value) { |
| |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| |
| xfer+= oprot->writeStructBegin(otrans, \"${name}\"); |
| ${fieldWriterCalls} |
| xfer+= oprot->writeFieldStop(otrans); |
| xfer += oprot->writeStructEnd(otrans); |
| return xfer; |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| def toStructReaderDefinition(struct): |
| """Converts struct type to reader function definition""" |
| |
| suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(struct) |
| |
| # Sort field list in order of increasing ids |
| |
| fieldList = [] |
| fieldList+= struct.fieldList |
| |
| fieldList.sort(lambda a,b: a.id - b.id) |
| |
| fieldSwitch="" |
| |
| for field in fieldList: |
| if toCanonicalType(field.type) == VOID_TYPE: |
| continue; |
| fieldSwitch+= " case "+str(field.id)+": " |
| fieldSwitch+= toReaderCall("value."+field.name, field.type)+"; value.__isset."+field.name+" = true; break;\n" |
| |
| return CPP_READ_STRUCT_DEFINITION.substitute(suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(struct), fieldSwitch=fieldSwitch) |
| |
| |
| def toStructWriterDefinition(struct): |
| """Converts struct type to writer function definition""" |
| |
| suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(struct) |
| |
| fieldWriterCalls = [] |
| |
| fieldWriterCalls = [CPP_WRITE_FIELD_DEFINITION.substitute(name=field.name, |
| type=toWireType(toCanonicalType(field.type)), |
| id=field.id, |
| fieldWriterCall=toWriterCall("value."+field.name, field.type))+";" |
| for field in struct.fieldList if toCanonicalType(field.type) != VOID_TYPE |
| ] |
| |
| fieldWriterCalls = " "+string.join(fieldWriterCalls, "\n ") |
| |
| return CPP_WRITE_STRUCT_DEFINITION.substitute(name=struct.name, suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(struct), fieldWriterCalls=fieldWriterCalls) |
| |
| uint32_t write_${suffix}("""+CPP_PROTOCOLP+""" oprot, """+CPP_TRANSPORTP+""" otrans, const ${declaration}& value) { |
| |
| uint32_t xfer = 0; |
| |
| xfer+= oprot->writeStructBegin(otrans, \"${name}\"); |
| if(${value}.__isset.x) |
| ${fieldWriterCalls} |
| xfer+= oprot->writeFieldStop(otrans); |
| xfer += oprot->writeStructEnd(otrans); |
| return xfer; |
| } |
| """) |
| |
| def toResultStructReaderDefinition(struct): |
| """Converts internal results struct to a reader function definition""" |
| |
| return toStructReaderDefinition(struct) |
| |
| def toResultStructWriterDefinition(struct): |
| """Converts internal results struct to a reader function definition. The difference between this function and toStructWriterDefinition is that this only sends one field, either success or an exception field, depending on which field is set""" |
| |
| suffix = typeToIOMethodSuffix(struct) |
| |
| fieldWriterCalls = ["if(value.__isset."+field.name+") { "+ |
| CPP_WRITE_FIELD_DEFINITION.substitute(name=field.name, |
| type=toWireType(toCanonicalType(field.type)), |
| id=field.id, |
| fieldWriterCall=toWriterCall("value."+field.name, field.type))+";}" |
| for field in struct.fieldList if toCanonicalType(field.type) != VOID_TYPE] |
| |
| fieldWriterCalls = " "+string.join(fieldWriterCalls, "\n else ") |
| |
| return CPP_WRITE_STRUCT_DEFINITION.substitute(name=struct.name, suffix=suffix, declaration=toCTypeDeclaration(struct), fieldWriterCalls=fieldWriterCalls) |
| |
| def toReaderDefinition(ttype): |
| """Converts thrift type to a reader function definition""" |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, CollectionType): |
| return toCollectionReaderDefinition(ttype) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, StructType): |
| return toStructReaderDefinition(ttype) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType): |
| return "" |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType): |
| return "" |
| |
| else: |
| raise Exception, "Unsupported type: "+str(ttype) |
| |
| def toWriterDefinition(ttype): |
| """Converts thrift type to a writer function definition""" |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, CollectionType): |
| return toCollectionWriterDefinition(ttype) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, StructType): |
| return toStructWriterDefinition(ttype) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType): |
| return "" |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType): |
| return "" |
| |
| else: |
| raise Exception, "Unsupported type: "+str(ttype) |
| |
| def toOrderedIOList(ttype, result=None): |
| """Builds a list of types ordered by doing a depth first traverse of all thrift type definitions. This gives us a list from which we can |
| generate read/write methods without making forward references.""" |
| |
| if not result: |
| result = [] |
| |
| if ttype in result: |
| return result |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, PrimitiveType): |
| return result |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, CollectionType): |
| |
| if isinstance(ttype, MapType): |
| result = toOrderedIOList(ttype.keyType, result) |
| |
| result = toOrderedIOList(ttype.valueType, result) |
| |
| result.append(ttype) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, StructType): |
| for field in ttype.fieldList: |
| result = toOrderedIOList(field.type, result) |
| result.append(ttype) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, TypedefType): |
| result.append(ttype) |
| return result |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, EnumType): |
| result.append(ttype) |
| return result |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, Program): |
| |
| for struct in ttype.structMap.values(): |
| result = toOrderedIOList(struct, result) |
| |
| for service in ttype.serviceMap.values(): |
| result = toOrderedIOList(service, result) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, Service): |
| for function in ttype.functionList: |
| result = toOrderedIOList(function, result) |
| |
| elif isinstance(ttype, Function): |
| result = toOrderedIOList(ttype.returnType(), result) |
| |
| # skip the args struct itself and just order the arguments themselves |
| # we don't want the arg struct to be referred to until later, since we need to |
| # inline those struct definitions with the implementation, not in the types header |
| |
| for field in ttype.args(): |
| result = toOrderedIOList(field.type, result) |
| |
| else: |
| raise Exception, "Unsupported thrift type: "+str(ttype) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def toIOMethodImplementations(program): |
| """Generates read and write methods for all non-primitive types in a thrift program as well as for the internal argStruct and resultStruct types for |
| all service functions""" |
| |
| # get ordered list of all types that need marshallers: |
| |
| iolist = toOrderedIOList(program) |
| |
| result = "" |
| |
| for ttype in iolist: |
| result+= toReaderDefinition(ttype) |
| result+= toWriterDefinition(ttype) |
| |
| # For all function argument lists, we need to create both struct definitions |
| # and io methods. We keep the struct definitions local, since they aren't part of the service API |
| # |
| # Note that we don't need to do a depth-first traverse of arg structs since they can only include fields |
| # we've already seen |
| |
| for service in program.serviceMap.values(): |
| for function in service.functionList: |
| result+= toStructDefinition(function.argsStruct) |
| result+= toReaderDefinition(function.argsStruct) |
| result+= toWriterDefinition(function.argsStruct) |
| result+= toStructDefinition(function.resultStruct) |
| result+= toResultStructReaderDefinition(function.resultStruct) |
| result+= toResultStructWriterDefinition(function.resultStruct) |
| |
| return result; |
| |
| def toImplementationSourceName(filename, genDir=None, debugp=None): |
| """Creates a file name for the implementation of client stubs, server skeletons, and non-primitive read/write methods.""" |
| |
| if not genDir: |
| genDir = toGenDir(filename) |
| |
| basename = toBasename(filename) |
| |
| result = os.path.join(genDir, basename+".cc") |
| |
| if debugp: |
| debugp("toDefinitionHeaderName("+str(filename)+", "+str(genDir)+") => "+str(basename)) |
| |
| return result |
| |
| def writeImplementationSource(program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None): |
| """Writes client stub, server skeleton, and non-primitive type I/O functions for all servciesf defined in program into a C/C++ source file. Uses the name of the original |
| thrift source, filename, and the optional generated C++ code directory, genDir, to determine the name and location of header file""" |
| |
| implementationSource = toImplementationSourceName(filename, genDir) |
| |
| if debugp: |
| debugp("implementationSource: "+str(implementationSource)) |
| |
| cfile = CFile(implementationSource, "w") |
| |
| basename = toBasename(filename) |
| |
| cfile.writeln(CPP_IMPL_HEADER.substitute(source=basename, date=time.ctime(), namespacePrefix=toCNamespacePrefix(program.namespace))) |
| |
| cfile.write(toIOMethodImplementations(program)) |
| |
| cfile.write(toServerDefinition(program)) |
| |
| cfile.write(toClientDefinition(program)) |
| |
| cfile.writeln(CPP_IMPL_FOOTER.substitute(source=basename, namespaceSuffix=toCNamespaceSuffix(program.namespace))) |
| |
| cfile.close() |
| |
| class CPPGenerator(Generator): |
| |
| def __call__(self, program, filename, genDir=None, debugp=None): |
| |
| writeDefinitionHeader(program, filename, genDir, debugp) |
| |
| writeServicesHeader(program, filename, genDir, debugp) |
| |
| writeImplementationSource(program, filename, genDir, debugp) |