| require 'rubygems' |
| $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib' |
| require 'thrift' |
| require 'thrift/server/nonblockingserver' |
| require 'thrift/transport/unixsocket' |
| $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/gen-rb" |
| require 'BenchmarkService' |
| require 'thread' |
| require 'stringio' |
| HOST = 'localhost' |
| PORT = 42587 |
| |
| Thread.abort_on_exception = true |
| |
| ############### |
| ## Server |
| ############### |
| |
| module Server |
| include Thrift |
| |
| class BenchmarkHandler |
| # 1-based index into the fibonacci sequence |
| def fibonacci(n) |
| seq = [1, 1] |
| 3.upto(n) do |
| seq << seq[-1] + seq[-2] |
| end |
| seq[n-1] # n is 1-based |
| end |
| end |
| |
| def self.start_server(serverClass, trans = nil) |
| return if serverClass == Object |
| handler = BenchmarkHandler.new |
| processor = ThriftBenchmark::BenchmarkService::Processor.new(handler) |
| transport = trans || ServerSocket.new(HOST, PORT) |
| transportFactory = FramedTransportFactory.new |
| args = [processor, transport, transportFactory, nil, 20] |
| if serverClass == NonblockingServer |
| logger = Logger.new(STDERR) |
| logger.level = Logger::WARN |
| args << logger |
| end |
| server = serverClass.new(*args) |
| @server_thread = Thread.new do |
| server.serve |
| end |
| @server = server |
| end |
| |
| def self.shutdown |
| return if @server.nil? |
| if @server.respond_to? :shutdown |
| @server.shutdown |
| else |
| @server_thread.kill |
| end |
| end |
| |
| def self.class |
| @server and @server.class |
| end |
| end |
| |
| class BenchmarkManager |
| def initialize(opts) |
| @socket = opts.fetch(:socket) do |
| @host = opts.fetch(:host, 'localhost') |
| @port = opts.fetch(:port) |
| nil |
| end |
| @num_processes = opts.fetch(:num_processes, 40) |
| @clients_per_process = opts.fetch(:clients_per_process, 10) |
| @calls_per_client = opts.fetch(:calls_per_client, 50) |
| end |
| |
| def run |
| @pool = [] |
| @benchmark_start = Time.now |
| puts "Spawning benchmark processes..." |
| @num_processes.times do |
| spawn |
| sleep 0.05 # space out spawns |
| end |
| collect_output |
| @benchmark_end = Time.now # we know the procs are done here |
| translate_output |
| analyze_output |
| report_output |
| end |
| |
| def spawn |
| rd, wr = IO.pipe |
| pid = fork do |
| STDIN.close |
| rd.close |
| @clients_per_process.times do |
| if @socket |
| socket = Thrift::UNIXSocket.new(@socket) |
| else |
| socket = Thrift::Socket.new(@host, @port) |
| end |
| transport = Thrift::FramedTransport.new(socket) |
| protocol = Thrift::BinaryProtocol.new(transport) |
| client = ThriftBenchmark::BenchmarkService::Client.new(protocol) |
| begin |
| transport.open |
| rescue |
| Marshal.dump [:connection_failure, Time.now], wr |
| else |
| Marshal.dump [:start, Time.now], wr |
| @calls_per_client.times do |
| Marshal.dump [:call_start, Time.now], wr |
| client.fibonacci(15) |
| Marshal.dump [:call_end, Time.now], wr |
| end |
| transport.close |
| Marshal.dump [:end, Time.now], wr |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| wr.close |
| @pool << rd |
| pid |
| end |
| |
| def socket_class |
| if @socket |
| Thrift::UNIXSocket |
| else |
| Thrift::Socket |
| end |
| end |
| |
| def collect_output |
| puts "Collecting output..." |
| # read from @pool until all sockets are closed |
| @buffers = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = '' } |
| until @pool.empty? |
| rd, = select(@pool) |
| next if rd.nil? |
| rd.each do |fd| |
| begin |
| @buffers[fd] << fd.read_nonblock(4096) |
| rescue EOFError |
| @pool.delete fd |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| def translate_output |
| puts "Translating output..." |
| @output = [] |
| @buffers.each do |fd, buffer| |
| strio = StringIO.new(buffer) |
| logs = [] |
| begin |
| loop do |
| logs << Marshal.load(strio) |
| end |
| rescue EOFError |
| @output << logs |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| def analyze_output |
| puts "Analyzing output..." |
| call_times = [] |
| client_times = [] |
| connection_failures = [] |
| longest_call = 0 |
| longest_client = 0 |
| @output.each do |logs| |
| cur_call, cur_client = nil |
| logs.each do |tok, time| |
| case tok |
| when :start |
| cur_client = time |
| when :call_start |
| cur_call = time |
| when :call_end |
| delta = time - cur_call |
| call_times << delta |
| longest_call = delta unless longest_call > delta |
| cur_call = nil |
| when :end |
| delta = time - cur_client |
| client_times << delta |
| longest_client = delta unless longest_client > delta |
| cur_client = nil |
| when :connection_failure |
| connection_failures << time |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| @report = {} |
| @report[:total_calls] = call_times.inject(0.0) { |a,t| a += t } |
| @report[:avg_calls] = @report[:total_calls] / call_times.size |
| @report[:total_clients] = client_times.inject(0.0) { |a,t| a += t } |
| @report[:avg_clients] = @report[:total_clients] / client_times.size |
| @report[:connection_failures] = connection_failures.size |
| @report[:longest_call] = longest_call |
| @report[:longest_client] = longest_client |
| @report[:total_benchmark_time] = @benchmark_end - @benchmark_start |
| @report[:fastthread] = $".include?('fastthread.bundle') |
| end |
| |
| def report_output |
| fmt = "%.4f seconds" |
| puts |
| tabulate "%d", |
| [["Server class", "%s"], Server.class], |
| [["Socket class", "%s"], socket_class], |
| ["Number of processes", @num_processes], |
| ["Clients per process", @clients_per_process], |
| ["Calls per client", @calls_per_client], |
| [["Using fastthread", "%s"], @report[:fastthread] ? "yes" : "no"] |
| puts |
| tabulate fmt, |
| [["Connection failures", "%d"], @report[:connection_failures]], |
| ["Average time per call", @report[:avg_calls]], |
| ["Average time per client (%d calls)" % @calls_per_client, @report[:avg_clients]], |
| ["Total time for all calls", @report[:total_calls]], |
| ["Real time for benchmarking", @report[:total_benchmark_time]], |
| ["Shortest call time", @report[:longest_call]], |
| ["Longest client time (%d calls)" % @calls_per_client, @report[:longest_client]] |
| end |
| |
| def tabulate(fmt, *labels_and_values) |
| labels = labels_and_values.map { |(l,)| Array === l ? l.first : l } |
| label_width = labels.inject(0) { |w,l| l.size > w ? l.size : w } |
| labels_and_values.each do |(l,v)| |
| f = fmt |
| l, f = l if Array === l |
| puts "%-#{label_width+1}s #{f}" % [l+":", v] |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| def resolve_const(const) |
| const and const.split('::').inject(Object) { |k,c| k.const_get(c) } |
| end |
| |
| puts "Starting server..." |
| serverklass = resolve_const(ENV['THRIFT_SERVER']) || Thrift::NonblockingServer |
| servertrans = nil |
| servertrans = Thrift::UNIXServerSocket.new(ENV['THRIFT_SOCKET']) |
| end |
| Server.start_server(serverklass, servertrans) |
| |
| sleep 0.2 # give the server time to start |
| |
| args = { :num_processes => 40, :clients_per_process => 5 } |
| args[:socket] = ENV['THRIFT_SOCKET'] |
| else |
| args.merge!(:host => HOST, :port => PORT) |
| end |
| BenchmarkManager.new(args).run |
| |
| Server.shutdown |