| " Vim syntax file |
| " Language: Thrift |
| " Maintainer: Martin Smith <martin@facebook.com> |
| " Last Change: $Date: $ |
| " Copy to ~/.vim/ |
| " Add to ~/.vimrc |
| " au BufRead,BufNewFile *.thrift set filetype=thrift |
| " au! Syntax thrift source ~/.vim/thrift.vim |
| " |
| " $Id: $ |
| |
| if version < 600 |
| syntax clear |
| elseif exists("b:current_syntax") |
| finish |
| endif |
| |
| " Todo |
| syn keyword thriftTodo TODO todo FIXME fixme XXX xxx contained |
| |
| " Comments |
| syn match thriftComment "#.*" contains=thriftTodo |
| syn region thriftComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=thriftTodo |
| syn match thriftComment "//.\{-}\(?>\|$\)\@=" |
| |
| " String |
| syn region thriftStringDouble matchgroup=None start=+"+ end=+"+ |
| |
| " Number |
| syn match thriftNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>" contained |
| |
| " Keywords |
| syn keyword thriftKeyword namespace |
| syn keyword thriftKeyword php_namespace perl_package |
| syn keyword thriftKeyword xsd_all xsd_optional xsd_nillable xsd_namespace xsd_attrs |
| syn keyword thriftKeyword include cpp_include cpp_type const optional required |
| syn keyword thriftBasicTypes void bool byte i16 i32 i64 double string binary |
| syn keyword thriftStructure map list set struct typedef exception enum throws |
| |
| " Special |
| syn match thriftSpecial "\d\+:" |
| |
| " Structure |
| syn keyword thriftStructure service async extends |
| "async" { return tok_async; } |
| "exception" { return tok_xception; } |
| "extends" { return tok_extends; } |
| "throws" { return tok_throws; } |
| "service" { return tok_service; } |
| "enum" { return tok_enum; } |
| "const" { return tok_const; } |
| |
| if version >= 508 || !exists("did_thrift_syn_inits") |
| if version < 508 |
| let did_thrift_syn_inits = 1 |
| command! -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> |
| else |
| command! -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> |
| endif |
| |
| HiLink thriftComment Comment |
| HiLink thriftKeyword Special |
| HiLink thriftBasicTypes Type |
| HiLink thriftStructure StorageClass |
| HiLink thriftTodo Todo |
| HiLink thriftString String |
| HiLink thriftNumber Number |
| HiLink thriftSpecial Special |
| HiLink thriftStructure Structure |
| |
| delcommand HiLink |
| endif |
| |
| let b:current_syntax = "thrift" |