blob: 57532a3c9f60c3bf7d0d269ed8ed9b3c69ac9bc0 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "Monitor.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
namespace facebook { namespace thrift { namespace concurrency {
* Monitor implementation using the POSIX pthread library
* @author marc
* @version $Id:$
class Monitor::Impl {
Impl() :
condInitialized(false) {
try {
assert(pthread_mutex_init(&_pthread_mutex, NULL) == 0);
mutexInitialized = true;
assert(pthread_cond_init(&_pthread_cond, NULL) == 0);
condInitialized = true;
} catch(...) {
~Impl() { cleanup(); }
void lock() const { pthread_mutex_lock(&_pthread_mutex); }
void unlock() const { pthread_mutex_unlock(&_pthread_mutex); }
void wait(long long timeout) const {
// XXX Need to assert that caller owns mutex
assert(timeout >= 0LL);
if (timeout == 0LL) {
assert(pthread_cond_wait(&_pthread_cond, &_pthread_mutex) == 0);
} else {
struct timespec abstime;
long long now = Util::currentTime();
Util::toTimespec(abstime, now + timeout);
int result = pthread_cond_timedwait(&_pthread_cond, &_pthread_mutex, &abstime);
if (result == ETIMEDOUT) {
assert(Util::currentTime() >= (now + timeout));
void notify() {
// XXX Need to assert that caller owns mutex
assert(pthread_cond_signal(&_pthread_cond) == 0);
void notifyAll() {
// XXX Need to assert that caller owns mutex
assert(pthread_cond_broadcast(&_pthread_cond) == 0);
void cleanup() {
if (mutexInitialized) {
mutexInitialized = false;
assert(pthread_mutex_destroy(&_pthread_mutex) == 0);
if (condInitialized) {
condInitialized = false;
assert(pthread_cond_destroy(&_pthread_cond) == 0);
mutable pthread_mutex_t _pthread_mutex;
mutable bool mutexInitialized;
mutable pthread_cond_t _pthread_cond;
mutable bool condInitialized;
Monitor::Monitor() : _impl(new Monitor::Impl()) {}
Monitor::~Monitor() { delete _impl; }
void Monitor::lock() const { _impl->lock(); }
void Monitor::unlock() const { _impl->unlock(); }
void Monitor::wait(long long timeout) const { _impl->wait(timeout); }
void Monitor::notify() const { _impl->notify(); }
void Monitor::notifyAll() const { _impl->notifyAll(); }
}}} // facebook::thrift::concurrency