| %%% Copyright (c) 2007- Facebook |
| %%% Distributed under the Thrift Software License |
| %%% See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at: |
| %%% http://developers.facebook.com/thrift/ |
| -include("tErlProcessor.hrl"). |
| -export([attr/4, super/0, inspect/1]). |
| -export([new/2, process/3]). |
| %%% 'super' is required unless ?MODULE is a base class |
| ?DEFINE_ATTR(generatedProcessor); |
| %%% super() -> SuperModule = atom() |
| %%% inspect(This) -> string() |
| ?FORMAT_ATTR(generatedProcessor) ++ ", " ++ |
| #?MODULE{super = Super, generatedProcessor = GP, handler = Handler}. |
| %% processor is generated code |
| process(This, Iprot, Oprot) -> |
| GP = oop:get(This, generatedProcessor), |
| Handler = oop:get(This, handler), |
| GP:process(Handler, Iprot, Oprot). |