blob: 546bcfe263a740733be9344e5f63c59323cff98c [file] [log] [blame]
%%% File : thrift_processor.erl
%%% Author : <>
%%% Description :
%%% Created : 28 Jan 2008 by <>
-record(state, {handler, in_protocol, out_protocol, service}).
start(IProt, OProt, Service, Handler) ->
spawn(thrift_processor, init, [IProt, OProt, Service, Handler]).
init(IProt, OProt, Service, Handler) ->
io:format("Processor started~n"),
loop(#state{in_protocol = IProt,
out_protocol = OProt,
service = Service,
handler = Handler}).
loop(State = #state{in_protocol = IProto,
out_protocol = OProto}) ->
case thrift_protocol:read(IProto, message_begin) of
#protocol_message_begin{name = Function,
type = ?tMessageType_CALL} ->
ok = handle_function(State, list_to_atom(binary_to_list(Function))),
{error, closed} ->
error_logger:info_msg("Processor finished~n"),
%handle_function(State = #state{in_protocol = IProto,
% out_protocol = OProto},
% add) ->
% io:format("Reading struct~n"),
% {ok, Struct} = thrift_protocol:read(IProto,
% {struct, [{1, i32},
% {2, i32}]}),
% io:format("Struct: ~p~n", [Struct]),
% {A, B} = Struct,
% thrift_protocol:write(OProto, #protocol_message_begin{
% name = "addResult",
% type = ?tMessageType_REPLY,
% seqid = 0}),
% thrift_protocol:write(OProto, {{struct, [{0, i32}]},
% {A + B}}),
% thrift_protocol:write(OProto, message_end);
%handle_function(State = #state{in_protocol = IProto,
% out_protocol = OProto},
% complexTest) ->
% io:format("Reading struct~n"),
% Struct = thrift_protocol:read(
% IProto,
% {struct, [{1, {struct,
% [{1, {list, i32}},
% {2, {map, string, {struct, [{1, i16}]}}}]}}]}),
% io:format("Struct: ~p~n", [Struct]);
handle_function(State = #state{in_protocol = IProto,
out_protocol = OProto,
handler = Handler,
service = Service},
Function) ->
InParams = Service:function_info(Function, params_type),
{ok, Params} = thrift_protocol:read(IProto, InParams),
Result = Handler:handle_function(Function, Params),
ReplyType = Service:function_info(Function, reply_type),
case Result of
{reply, Reply} ->
thrift_protocol:write(OProto, #protocol_message_begin{
name = atom_to_list(Function) ++ "_result",
type = ?tMessageType_REPLY,
seqid = 0}),
thrift_protocol:write(OProto, {{struct, [{0, ReplyType}]}, {Reply}}),
thrift_protocol:write(OProto, message_end)