blob: 8900c5dca477428bdef3ccff8e35b3c1f494510d [file] [log] [blame]
%%% Copyright (c) 2007- Facebook
%%% Distributed under the Thrift Software License
%%% See accompanying file LICENSE or visit the Thrift site at:
-export([attr/4, super/0, inspect/1]).
%% -export([interface/1]). %%
writeMessageBegin/4, writeMessageEnd/1,
writeStructBegin/2, writeStructEnd/1,
writeFieldBegin/4, writeFieldEnd/1, writeFieldStop/1,
writeMapBegin/4, writeMapEnd/1,
writeListBegin/3, writeListEnd/1,
writeSetBegin/3, writeSetEnd/1,
writeBool/2, writeByte/2, writeI16/2, writeI32/2,
writeI64/2, writeDouble/2, writeString/2,
readMessageBegin/1, readMessageEnd/1,
readStructBegin/1, readStructEnd/1,
readFieldBegin/1, readFieldEnd/1,
readMapBegin/1, readMapEnd/1,
readListBegin/1, readListEnd/1,
readSetBegin/1, readSetEnd/1,
readBool/1, readByte/1, readI16/1, readI32/1,
readI64/1, readDouble/1, readString/1
%%% server interface
%% %%% modules we can instantiate from the server %%
%% interface(subclasses) -> %%
%% [ %%
%% tBinaryProtocol %%
%% ]; %%
%% %%
%% %%% synchronous calls to pass %%
%% interface(call) -> %%
%% [ %%
%% skip, %%
%% %%
%% writeMessageBegin, writeMessageEnd, %%
%% writeStructBegin, writeStructEnd, %%
%% writeFieldBegin, writeFieldEnd, writeFieldStop, %%
%% writeMapBegin, writeMapEnd, %%
%% writeListBegin, writeListEnd, %%
%% writeSetBegin, writeSetEnd, %%
%% %%
%% writeBool, writeByte, writeI16, writeI32, %%
%% writeI64, writeDouble, writeString, %%
%% %%
%% readMessageBegin, readMessageEnd, %%
%% readStructBegin, readStructEnd, %%
%% readFieldBegin, readFieldEnd, %%
%% readMapBegin, readMapEnd, %%
%% readListBegin, readListEnd, %%
%% readSetBegin, readSetEnd, %%
%% %%
%% readBool, readByte, readI16, readI32, %%
%% readI64, readDouble, readString %%
%% ]; %%
%% %%
%% %%% asynchronous casts to pass %%
%% interface(cast) -> %%
%% []. %%
%%% define attributes
%%% 'super' is required unless ?MODULE is a base class
%%% behavior callbacks
%%% super() -> SuperModule = atom()
%%% | none
super() ->
%%% inspect(This) -> string()
inspect(This) ->
%%% class methods
new(Trans) ->
%%% instance methods
writeMessageBegin(_This, _Name, _Type, _Seqid) -> ok.
writeMessageEnd(_This) -> ok.
writeStructBegin(_This, _Name) -> ok.
writeStructEnd(_This) -> ok.
writeFieldBegin(_This, _Name, _Type, _Id) -> ok.
writeFieldEnd(_This) -> ok.
writeFieldStop(_This) -> ok.
writeMapBegin(_This, _Ktype, _Vtype, _Size) -> ok.
writeMapEnd(_This) -> ok.
writeListBegin(_This, _Etype, _Size) -> ok.
writeListEnd(_This) -> ok.
writeSetBegin(_This, _Etype, _Size) -> ok.
writeSetEnd(_This) -> ok.
writeBool(_This, _Value) -> ok.
writeByte(_This, _Value) -> ok.
writeI16(_This, _Value) -> ok.
writeI32(_This, _Value) -> ok.
writeI64(_This, _Value) -> ok.
writeDouble(_This, _Value) -> ok.
writeString(_This, _Value) -> ok.
readMessageBegin(_This) -> ok.
readMessageEnd(_This) -> ok.
readStructBegin(_This) -> ok.
readStructEnd(_This) -> ok.
readFieldBegin(_This) -> ok.
readFieldEnd(_This) -> ok.
readMapBegin(_This) -> ok.
readMapEnd(_This) -> ok.
readListBegin(_This) -> ok.
readListEnd(_This) -> ok.
readSetBegin(_This) -> ok.
readSetEnd(_This) -> ok.
readBool(_This) -> ok.
readByte(_This) -> ok.
readI16(_This) -> ok.
readI32(_This) -> ok.
readI64(_This) -> ok.
readDouble(_This) -> ok.
readString(_This) -> ok.
skip(This, Type) ->
case Type of
?tType_STOP -> nil; % WATCH
?tType_BOOL -> ?L0(readBool);
?tType_BYTE -> ?L0(readByte);
?tType_I16 -> ?L0(readI16);
?tType_I32 -> ?L0(readI32);
?tType_I64 -> ?L0(readI64);
?tType_DOUBLE -> ?L0(readDouble);
?tType_STRING -> ?L0(readString);
?tType_STRUCT ->
%% cpiro: this isn't here in the original tprotocol.rb, but i think it's a bug
?tType_MAP ->
{Ktype, Vtype, Size} = ?L0(readMapBegin),
skip_map_repeat(This, Ktype, Vtype, Size),
?tType_SET ->
{Etype, Size} = ?L0(readSetBegin),
skip_set_repeat(This, Etype, Size),
?tType_LIST ->
{Etype, Size} = ?L0(readListBegin),
skip_set_repeat(This, Etype, Size), % [sic] skipping same as for SET
skip_struct_loop(This) ->
{ _Name, Type, _Id } = ?L0(readFieldBegin),
Type == ?tType_STOP ->
true ->
?L1(skip, Type),
%% cpiro: this is here in original tprotocol.rb, but i think it's a bug
% ?L0(readStructEnd),
skip_map_repeat(This, Ktype, Vtype, Times) ->
?L1(skip, Ktype),
?L1(skip, Vtype),
skip_map_repeat(This, Ktype, Vtype, Times-1).
skip_set_repeat(This, Etype, Times) ->
?L1(skip, Etype),
skip_set_repeat(This, Etype, Times-1).