blob: 2ad5a57175e43de03f9ba6d525bf04f188ab3fb9 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <transport/TTransport.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
namespace facebook { namespace thrift { namespace protocol {
using namespace boost;
using namespace facebook::thrift::transport;
#define ntohll(n) (n)
#define htonll(n) (n)
#define ntohll(n) ( (((unsigned long long)ntohl(n)) << 32) + ntohl(n >> 32) )
#define htonll(n) ( (((unsigned long long)htonl(n)) << 32) + htonl(n >> 32) )
// Forward declaration for TProtocol
struct TBuf;
* Enumerated definition of the types that the Thrift protocol supports.
* Take special note of the T_END type which is used specifically to mark
* the end of a sequence of fields.
enum TType {
T_STOP = 0,
T_VOID = 1,
T_BOOL = 2,
T_BYTE = 3,
T_I08 = 3,
T_I16 = 6,
T_I32 = 8,
T_U64 = 9,
T_I64 = 10,
T_STRING = 11,
T_UTF7 = 11,
T_STRUCT = 12,
T_MAP = 13,
T_SET = 14,
T_LIST = 15,
T_UTF8 = 16,
T_UTF16 = 17
* Enumerated definition of the message types that the Thrift protocol
* supports.
enum TMessageType {
T_CALL = 1,
* Abstract class for a thrift protocol driver. These are all the methods that
* a protocol must implement. Essentially, there must be some way of reading
* and writing all the base types, plus a mechanism for writing out structs
* with indexed fields. Also notice that all methods are strictly const. This
* is by design. Protcol impelementations may NOT keep state, because the
* same TProtocol object may be used simultaneously by multiple threads. This
* theoretically introduces some limititations into the possible protocol
* formats, but with the benefit of performance, clarity, and simplicity.
* @author Mark Slee <>
class TProtocol {
virtual ~TProtocol() {}
* Writing functions.
virtual uint32_t writeMessageBegin(const std::string name,
const TMessageType messageType,
const int32_t seqid) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeMessageEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeStructBegin(const std::string& name) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeStructEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeFieldBegin(const std::string& name,
const TType fieldType,
const int16_t fieldId) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeFieldEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeFieldStop() = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeMapBegin(const TType keyType,
const TType valType,
const uint32_t size) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeMapEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeListBegin(const TType elemType,
const uint32_t size) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeListEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeSetBegin(const TType elemType,
const uint32_t size) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeSetEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeBool(const bool value) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeByte(const int8_t byte) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeI16(const int16_t i16) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeI32(const int32_t i32) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeI64(const int64_t i64) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeDouble(const double dub) = 0;
virtual uint32_t writeString(const std::string& str) = 0;
* Reading functions
virtual uint32_t readMessageBegin(std::string& name,
TMessageType& messageType,
int32_t& seqid) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readMessageEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t readStructBegin(std::string& name) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readStructEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t readFieldBegin(std::string& name,
TType& fieldType,
int16_t& fieldId) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readFieldEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t readMapBegin(TType& keyType,
TType& valType,
uint32_t& size) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readMapEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t readListBegin(TType& elemType,
uint32_t& size) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readListEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t readSetBegin(TType& elemType,
uint32_t& size) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readSetEnd() = 0;
virtual uint32_t readBool(bool& value) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readByte(int8_t& byte) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readI16(int16_t& i16) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readI32(int32_t& i32) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readI64(int64_t& i64) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readDouble(double& dub) = 0;
virtual uint32_t readString(std::string& str) = 0;
* Method to arbitrarily skip over data.
uint32_t skip(TType type) {
switch (type) {
case T_BOOL:
bool boolv;
return readBool(boolv);
case T_BYTE:
int8_t bytev;
return readByte(bytev);
case T_I16:
int16_t i16;
return readI16(i16);
case T_I32:
int32_t i32;
return readI32(i32);
case T_I64:
int64_t i64;
return readI64(i64);
case T_DOUBLE:
double dub;
return readDouble(dub);
case T_STRING:
std::string str;
return readString(str);
case T_STRUCT:
uint32_t result = 0;
std::string name;
int16_t fid;
TType ftype;
result += readStructBegin(name);
while (true) {
result += readFieldBegin(name, ftype, fid);
if (ftype == T_STOP) {
result += skip(ftype);
result += readFieldEnd();
result += readStructEnd();
return result;
case T_MAP:
uint32_t result = 0;
TType keyType;
TType valType;
uint32_t i, size;
result += readMapBegin(keyType, valType, size);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
result += skip(keyType);
result += skip(valType);
result += readMapEnd();
return result;
case T_SET:
uint32_t result = 0;
TType elemType;
uint32_t i, size;
result += readSetBegin(elemType, size);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
result += skip(elemType);
result += readSetEnd();
return result;
case T_LIST:
uint32_t result = 0;
TType elemType;
uint32_t i, size;
result += readListBegin(elemType, size);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
result += skip(elemType);
result += readListEnd();
return result;
return 0;
inline shared_ptr<TTransport> getTransport() {
return ptrans_;
// TODO: remove these two calls, they are for backwards
// compatibility
inline shared_ptr<TTransport> getInputTransport() {
return ptrans_;
inline shared_ptr<TTransport> getOutputTransport() {
return ptrans_;
TProtocol(shared_ptr<TTransport> ptrans):
ptrans_(ptrans) {
trans_ = ptrans.get();
shared_ptr<TTransport> ptrans_;
TTransport* trans_;
TProtocol() {}
* Constructs input and output protocol objects given transports.
class TProtocolFactory {
TProtocolFactory() {}
virtual ~TProtocolFactory() {}
virtual boost::shared_ptr<TProtocol> getProtocol(boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> trans) = 0;
}}} // facebook::thrift::protocol
#endif // #define _THRIFT_PROTOCOL_TPROTOCOL_H_ 1