blob: 11e98c575622f124a1a590f7d151fd62ec873f37 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
module thrift.internal.traits;
import std.traits;
* Adds or removes attributes from the given function (pointer) or delegate
* type.
* Besides the base type, two std.traits.FunctionAttribute bitfields are
* accepted, representing the attributes to add to the function signature
* resp. to remove from it. If an attribute appears in both fields, an error
* is raised.
* Params:
* T = The base type.
* setAttrs = The attributes to add to the type, if not already present.
* clearAttrs = The attributes to remove from the type, if present.
template ChangeFuncAttrs(
FunctionAttribute setAttrs = FunctionAttribute.none,
FunctionAttribute clearAttrs = FunctionAttribute.none
) if (isFunctionPointer!T || isDelegate!T) {
static assert(!(setAttrs & clearAttrs),
"Cannot set and clear attributes at the same time.");
enum newAttrs = (functionAttributes!T | setAttrs) & ~clearAttrs;
static assert(!(newAttrs & FunctionAttribute.trusted) ||
!(newAttrs &,
"Cannot have a function/delegate that is both trusted and safe.");
string result = "alias ";
static if (functionLinkage!T != "D") {
result ~= "extern(" ~ functionLinkage!T ~ ") ";
static if (newAttrs & FunctionAttribute.ref_) {
result ~= "ref ";
result ~= "ReturnType!T";
static if (isDelegate!T) {
result ~= " delegate";
} else {
result ~= " function";
result ~= "(ParameterTypeTuple!T)";
static if (newAttrs & FunctionAttribute.pure_) {
result ~= " pure";
static if (newAttrs & FunctionAttribute.nothrow_) {
result ~= " nothrow";
static if (newAttrs & {
result ~= " @property";
static if (newAttrs & FunctionAttribute.trusted) {
result ~= " @trusted";
static if (newAttrs & {
result ~= " @safe";
result ~= " ChangeFuncAttrs;";
return result;
/// Ditto
template ChangeFuncAttrs(
FunctionAttribute setAttrs = FunctionAttribute.none,
FunctionAttribute clearAttrs = FunctionAttribute.none
) if (is(T == function)) {
// To avoid a lot of syntactic headaches, we just use the above version to
// operate on the corresponding function pointer type and then remove the
// pointer again.
alias FunctionTypeOf!(ChangeFuncAttrs!(T*, setAttrs, clearAttrs))
version (unittest) {
import std.algorithm;
import std.metastrings;
import std.typetuple;
unittest {
alias FunctionAttribute FA;
foreach (T0; TypeTuple!(
int function(int),
int delegate(int),
FunctionTypeOf!(int function(int))
)) {
alias ChangeFuncAttrs!(T0, T1;
static assert(functionAttributes!T1 ==;
alias ChangeFuncAttrs!(T1, FA.nothrow_ | FA.ref_, T2;
static assert(functionAttributes!T2 == (FA.nothrow_ | FA.ref_));
enum allAttrs = reduce!"a | b"([EnumMembers!FA]) &;
alias ChangeFuncAttrs!(T2, allAttrs) T3;
static assert(functionAttributes!T3 == allAttrs);
alias ChangeFuncAttrs!(T3, FA.none, allAttrs) T4;
static assert(is(T4 == T0));
* Adds »nothrow« to the type of the passed function pointer/delegate, if it
* is not already present.
* Technically, assumeNothrow just performs a cast, but using it has the
* advantage of being explicitly about the operation that is performed.
auto assumeNothrow(T)(T t) if (isFunctionPointer!T || isDelegate!T) {
return cast(ChangeFuncAttrs!(T, FunctionAttribute.nothrow_))t;