| # Tests the parser, independently of whether any generators |
| # Currently only tests that valid .thrift files parse cleanly. |
| # Doesn't test that correct information is extracted from them. |
| MY_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" |
| ROOT_DIR=`cd $MY_DIR/../../ && pwd` |
| THRIFT_FILES=`find ${TEST_THRIFT_DIR} -type f -name *.thrift ! -name BrokenConstants.thrift` |
| OUTPUT_DIR=`mktemp -d -t test_thrift_parser.XXXXX` |
| for f in ${THRIFT_FILES}; |
| ${MY_DIR}/thrift -o ${OUTPUT_DIR} -nowarn --allow-64bit-consts --gen cpp ${f} |
| if [ ${EXIT_CODE} -eq 0 ]; then |
| echo "${PASS} files parsed correctly. ${FAIL} files failed to parse." |