blob: c25b0501b72cd38313057a2c7cdca3d13e890036 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* @package thrift.protocol
namespace Thrift\Protocol;
use Thrift\Type\TType;
use Thrift\Exception\TProtocolException;
use Thrift\Factory\TStringFuncFactory;
* Compact implementation of the Thrift protocol.
class TCompactProtocol extends TProtocol
const COMPACT_STOP = 0x00;
const COMPACT_TRUE = 0x01;
const COMPACT_FALSE = 0x02;
const COMPACT_BYTE = 0x03;
const COMPACT_I16 = 0x04;
const COMPACT_I32 = 0x05;
const COMPACT_I64 = 0x06;
const COMPACT_DOUBLE = 0x07;
const COMPACT_BINARY = 0x08;
const COMPACT_LIST = 0x09;
const COMPACT_SET = 0x0A;
const COMPACT_MAP = 0x0B;
const COMPACT_STRUCT = 0x0C;
const STATE_CLEAR = 0;
const STATE_BOOL_READ = 8;
const VERSION_MASK = 0x1f;
const VERSION = 1;
const PROTOCOL_ID = 0x82;
const TYPE_MASK = 0xe0;
const TYPE_BITS = 0x07;
protected static $ctypes = array(
TType::STOP => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_STOP,
TType::BOOL => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_TRUE, // used for collection
TType::BYTE => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_BYTE,
TType::I16 => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_I16,
TType::I32 => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_I32,
TType::I64 => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_I64,
TType::DOUBLE => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_DOUBLE,
TType::STRING => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_BINARY,
TType::STRUCT => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_STRUCT,
TType::LST => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_LIST,
TType::SET => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_SET,
TType::MAP => TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_MAP,
protected static $ttypes = array(
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_STOP => TType::STOP ,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_TRUE => TType::BOOL, // used for collection
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_FALSE => TType::BOOL,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_BYTE => TType::BYTE,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_I16 => TType::I16,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_I32 => TType::I32,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_I64 => TType::I64,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_DOUBLE => TType::DOUBLE,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_BINARY => TType::STRING,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_STRUCT => TType::STRUCT,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_LIST => TType::LST,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_SET => TType::SET,
TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_MAP => TType::MAP,
protected $state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_CLEAR;
protected $lastFid = 0;
protected $boolFid = null;
protected $boolValue = null;
protected $structs = array();
protected $containers = array();
// Some varint / zigzag helper methods
public function toZigZag($n, $bits)
return ($n << 1) ^ ($n >> ($bits - 1));
public function fromZigZag($n)
return ($n >> 1) ^ -($n & 1);
public function getVarint($data)
$out = "";
while (true) {
if (($data & ~0x7f) === 0) {
$out .= chr($data);
} else {
$out .= chr(($data & 0xff) | 0x80);
$data = $data >> 7;
return $out;
public function writeVarint($data)
$out = $this->getVarint($data);
$result = TStringFuncFactory::create()->strlen($out);
$this->trans_->write($out, $result);
return $result;
public function readVarint(&$result)
$idx = 0;
$shift = 0;
$result = 0;
while (true) {
$x = $this->trans_->readAll(1);
$arr = unpack('C', $x);
$byte = $arr[1];
$idx += 1;
$result |= ($byte & 0x7f) << $shift;
if (($byte >> 7) === 0) {
return $idx;
$shift += 7;
return $idx;
public function __construct($trans)
public function writeMessageBegin($name, $type, $seqid)
$written =
$this->writeUByte(TCompactProtocol::PROTOCOL_ID) +
$this->writeUByte(TCompactProtocol::VERSION |
($type << TCompactProtocol::TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT)) +
$this->writeVarint($seqid) +
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_VALUE_WRITE;
return $written;
public function writeMessageEnd()
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_CLEAR;
return 0;
public function writeStructBegin($name)
$this->structs[] = array($this->state, $this->lastFid);
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_FIELD_WRITE;
$this->lastFid = 0;
return 0;
public function writeStructEnd()
$old_values = array_pop($this->structs);
$this->state = $old_values[0];
$this->lastFid = $old_values[1];
return 0;
public function writeFieldStop()
return $this->writeByte(0);
public function writeFieldHeader($type, $fid)
$written = 0;
$delta = $fid - $this->lastFid;
if (0 < $delta && $delta <= 15) {
$written = $this->writeUByte(($delta << 4) | $type);
} else {
$written = $this->writeByte($type) +
$this->lastFid = $fid;
return $written;
public function writeFieldBegin($field_name, $field_type, $field_id)
if ($field_type == TTYPE::BOOL) {
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_BOOL_WRITE;
$this->boolFid = $field_id;
return 0;
} else {
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_VALUE_WRITE;
return $this->writeFieldHeader(self::$ctypes[$field_type], $field_id);
public function writeFieldEnd()
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_FIELD_WRITE;
return 0;
public function writeCollectionBegin($etype, $size)
$written = 0;
if ($size <= 14) {
$written = $this->writeUByte($size << 4 |
} else {
$written = $this->writeUByte(0xf0 |
self::$ctypes[$etype]) +
$this->containers[] = $this->state;
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_CONTAINER_WRITE;
return $written;
public function writeMapBegin($key_type, $val_type, $size)
$written = 0;
if ($size == 0) {
$written = $this->writeByte(0);
} else {
$written = $this->writeVarint($size) +
$this->writeUByte(self::$ctypes[$key_type] << 4 |
$this->containers[] = $this->state;
return $written;
public function writeCollectionEnd()
$this->state = array_pop($this->containers);
return 0;
public function writeMapEnd()
return $this->writeCollectionEnd();
public function writeListBegin($elem_type, $size)
return $this->writeCollectionBegin($elem_type, $size);
public function writeListEnd()
return $this->writeCollectionEnd();
public function writeSetBegin($elem_type, $size)
return $this->writeCollectionBegin($elem_type, $size);
public function writeSetEnd()
return $this->writeCollectionEnd();
public function writeBool($value)
if ($this->state == TCompactProtocol::STATE_BOOL_WRITE) {
$ctype = TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_FALSE;
if ($value) {
$ctype = TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_TRUE;
return $this->writeFieldHeader($ctype, $this->boolFid);
} elseif ($this->state == TCompactProtocol::STATE_CONTAINER_WRITE) {
return $this->writeByte($value ? 1 : 0);
} else {
throw new TProtocolException('Invalid state in compact protocol');
public function writeByte($value)
$data = pack('c', $value);
$this->trans_->write($data, 1);
return 1;
public function writeUByte($byte)
$this->trans_->write(pack('C', $byte), 1);
return 1;
public function writeI16($value)
$thing = $this->toZigZag($value, 16);
return $this->writeVarint($thing);
public function writeI32($value)
$thing = $this->toZigZag($value, 32);
return $this->writeVarint($thing);
public function writeDouble($value)
$data = pack('d', $value);
$this->trans_->write($data, 8);
return 8;
public function writeString($value)
$len = TStringFuncFactory::create()->strlen($value);
$result = $this->writeVarint($len);
if ($len) {
$this->trans_->write($value, $len);
return $result + $len;
public function readFieldBegin(&$name, &$field_type, &$field_id)
$result = $this->readUByte($compact_type_and_delta);
$compact_type = $compact_type_and_delta & 0x0f;
if ($compact_type == TType::STOP) {
$field_type = $compact_type;
$field_id = 0;
return $result;
$delta = $compact_type_and_delta >> 4;
if ($delta == 0) {
$result += $this->readI16($field_id);
} else {
$field_id = $this->lastFid + $delta;
$this->lastFid = $field_id;
$field_type = $this->getTType($compact_type);
if ($compact_type == TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_TRUE) {
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_BOOL_READ;
$this->boolValue = true;
} elseif ($compact_type == TCompactProtocol::COMPACT_FALSE) {
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_BOOL_READ;
$this->boolValue = false;
} else {
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_VALUE_READ;
return $result;
public function readFieldEnd()
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_FIELD_READ;
return 0;
public function readUByte(&$value)
$data = $this->trans_->readAll(1);
$arr = unpack('C', $data);
$value = $arr[1];
return 1;
public function readByte(&$value)
$data = $this->trans_->readAll(1);
$arr = unpack('c', $data);
$value = $arr[1];
return 1;
public function readZigZag(&$value)
$result = $this->readVarint($value);
$value = $this->fromZigZag($value);
return $result;
public function readMessageBegin(&$name, &$type, &$seqid)
$protoId = 0;
$result = $this->readUByte($protoId);
if ($protoId != TCompactProtocol::PROTOCOL_ID) {
throw new TProtocolException('Bad protocol id in TCompact message');
$verType = 0;
$result += $this->readUByte($verType);
$type = ($verType >> TCompactProtocol::TYPE_SHIFT_AMOUNT) & TCompactProtocol::TYPE_BITS;
$version = $verType & TCompactProtocol::VERSION_MASK;
if ($version != TCompactProtocol::VERSION) {
throw new TProtocolException('Bad version in TCompact message');
$result += $this->readVarint($seqid);
$result += $this->readString($name);
return $result;
public function readMessageEnd()
return 0;
public function readStructBegin(&$name)
$name = ''; // unused
$this->structs[] = array($this->state, $this->lastFid);
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_FIELD_READ;
$this->lastFid = 0;
return 0;
public function readStructEnd()
$last = array_pop($this->structs);
$this->state = $last[0];
$this->lastFid = $last[1];
return 0;
public function readCollectionBegin(&$type, &$size)
$sizeType = 0;
$result = $this->readUByte($sizeType);
$size = $sizeType >> 4;
$type = $this->getTType($sizeType);
if ($size == 15) {
$result += $this->readVarint($size);
$this->containers[] = $this->state;
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_CONTAINER_READ;
return $result;
public function readMapBegin(&$key_type, &$val_type, &$size)
$result = $this->readVarint($size);
$types = 0;
if ($size > 0) {
$result += $this->readUByte($types);
$val_type = $this->getTType($types);
$key_type = $this->getTType($types >> 4);
$this->containers[] = $this->state;
$this->state = TCompactProtocol::STATE_CONTAINER_READ;
return $result;
public function readCollectionEnd()
$this->state = array_pop($this->containers);
return 0;
public function readMapEnd()
return $this->readCollectionEnd();
public function readListBegin(&$elem_type, &$size)
return $this->readCollectionBegin($elem_type, $size);
public function readListEnd()
return $this->readCollectionEnd();
public function readSetBegin(&$elem_type, &$size)
return $this->readCollectionBegin($elem_type, $size);
public function readSetEnd()
return $this->readCollectionEnd();
public function readBool(&$value)
if ($this->state == TCompactProtocol::STATE_BOOL_READ) {
$value = $this->boolValue;
return 0;
} elseif ($this->state == TCompactProtocol::STATE_CONTAINER_READ) {
return $this->readByte($value);
} else {
throw new TProtocolException('Invalid state in compact protocol');
public function readI16(&$value)
return $this->readZigZag($value);
public function readI32(&$value)
return $this->readZigZag($value);
public function readDouble(&$value)
$data = $this->trans_->readAll(8);
$arr = unpack('d', $data);
$value = $arr[1];
return 8;
public function readString(&$value)
$result = $this->readVarint($len);
if ($len) {
$value = $this->trans_->readAll($len);
} else {
$value = '';
return $result + $len;
public function getTType($byte)
return self::$ttypes[$byte & 0x0f];
// If we are on a 32bit architecture we have to explicitly deal with
// 64-bit twos-complement arithmetic since PHP wants to treat all ints
// as signed and any int over 2^31 - 1 as a float
// Read and write I64 as two 32 bit numbers $hi and $lo
public function readI64(&$value)
// Read varint from wire
$hi = 0;
$lo = 0;
$idx = 0;
$shift = 0;
while (true) {
$x = $this->trans_->readAll(1);
$arr = unpack('C', $x);
$byte = $arr[1];
$idx += 1;
// Shift hi and lo together.
if ($shift < 28) {
$lo |= (($byte & 0x7f) << $shift);
} elseif ($shift == 28) {
$lo |= (($byte & 0x0f) << 28);
$hi |= (($byte & 0x70) >> 4);
} else {
$hi |= (($byte & 0x7f) << ($shift - 32));
if (($byte >> 7) === 0) {
$shift += 7;
// Now, unzig it.
$xorer = 0;
if ($lo & 1) {
$xorer = 0xffffffff;
$lo = ($lo >> 1) & 0x7fffffff;
$lo = $lo | (($hi & 1) << 31);
$hi = ($hi >> 1) ^ $xorer;
$lo = $lo ^ $xorer;
// Now put $hi and $lo back together
$isNeg = $hi < 0 || $hi & 0x80000000;
// Check for a negative
if ($isNeg) {
$hi = ~$hi & (int) 0xffffffff;
$lo = ~$lo & (int) 0xffffffff;
if ($lo == (int) 0xffffffff) {
$lo = 0;
} else {
// Force 32bit words in excess of 2G to be positive - we deal with sign
// explicitly below
if ($hi & (int) 0x80000000) {
$hi &= (int) 0x7fffffff;
$hi += 0x80000000;
if ($lo & (int) 0x80000000) {
$lo &= (int) 0x7fffffff;
$lo += 0x80000000;
// Create as negative value first, since we can store -2^63 but not 2^63
$value = -$hi * 4294967296 - $lo;
if (!$isNeg) {
$value = -$value;
return $idx;
public function writeI64($value)
// If we are in an I32 range, use the easy method below.
if (($value > 4294967296) || ($value < -4294967296)) {
// Convert $value to $hi and $lo
$neg = $value < 0;
if ($neg) {
$value *= -1;
$hi = (int) $value >> 32;
$lo = (int) $value & 0xffffffff;
if ($neg) {
$hi = ~$hi;
$lo = ~$lo;
if (($lo & (int) 0xffffffff) == (int) 0xffffffff) {
$lo = 0;
} else {
// Now do the zigging and zagging.
$xorer = 0;
if ($neg) {
$xorer = 0xffffffff;
$lowbit = ($lo >> 31) & 1;
$hi = ($hi << 1) | $lowbit;
$lo = ($lo << 1);
$lo = ($lo ^ $xorer) & 0xffffffff;
$hi = ($hi ^ $xorer) & 0xffffffff;
// now write out the varint, ensuring we shift both hi and lo
$out = "";
while (true) {
if (($lo & ~0x7f) === 0 &&
$hi === 0) {
$out .= chr($lo);
} else {
$out .= chr(($lo & 0xff) | 0x80);
$lo = $lo >> 7;
$lo = $lo | ($hi << 25);
$hi = $hi >> 7;
// Right shift carries sign, but we don't want it to.
$hi = $hi & (127 << 25);
$ret = TStringFuncFactory::create()->strlen($out);
$this->trans_->write($out, $ret);
return $ret;
} else {
return $this->writeVarint($this->toZigZag($value, 64));